No Policy Change: In CNN Interview, Harris Refuses to Condition U.S. Military Support for Israel to politics – 7 points –
Kamala Harris Refuses to Condition U.S. Military Support for Israel

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Ok, Google is a bit of a dumpster fire, but here's a few things retracing my steps:

That's in May, but it's a more popular link. That and a thing from Chicago foreign affairs which idk as well so I didn't link it.

This is two days ago, had to tell Google to look for recent. It's not what I'm citing but it echoes it. People aren't thrilled with CNN, but it's not the only source if you do the time limited search yourself.

If I didn't have two kids driving me crazy past their bedtime I'd search out more but the whole ordeal reeks of false consensus bias. Most people want to believe they're in the majority. But if it makes people feel better, the anti war minority is probably correct (and my guess is the real majority is just ignorance or indifference).

Edit: it's 61% saying US is doing well there. Most of it is "somewhat" so it's not like it's 5/5 stars. The Chicago one actually is a good read and it's what the CNN one is based on I think.

The Chicago one actually is a good read and it’s what the CNN one is based on I think.

It is a good read, specifically "seven in 10 Democrats (68%) and more than half of Independents (54%) support restricting military aid to Israel".

Well we broke 60%, I'm waiting

We? You're including yourself among people who want to restrict military aid to Israel?

Why do you want Trump to win?

We as in the US. Because the comment was made "If 60% called for a ban on weapons sales, you better believe it'll be reflected in the platform."

What is with people like you making wild leaps in bad faith.

I was quoting the standard centrist line about anyone who has objections to genocide. I can't imagine why you hadn't encountered it before.

Ah maybe that's just me, I don't like to push stereotypes and make sweeping assumptions lol

Tell me again about how I'm forcing people to vote for trump by saying that Democrats have no business supporting genocide.

Because you're only attacking Dems for supporting it while ignoring how Reps are reacting to it. Only attacking one side very much seems like you are favoring the other.

Because you’re only attacking Dems for supporting it

Article's about a Democrat supporting it. You're only attacking Dems who oppose it.

I have no idea your "side", I'm not going after one side, you seem to be the only one calling out parties.

I’m not going after one side

Yeah, look at all the genocide supporters who have been the recipients of a piece of your mind.