Despite tech-savvy reputation, Gen Z falls behind in keyboard typing skills to – 487 points –
Despite tech-savvy reputation, Gen Z falls behind in keyboard typing skills

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Gen X here. Honestly, I was a shit typer until I got a keyboard for my sega dreamcast and bought "Typing of the dead".

I went from hunt and peck to well over 100wpm.

Typing of the dead

Still my favorite example of gamification: take a useful task and make it so fun that people will gladly devote hours and hours of their time to it.

I didn't know I was learning a life skill at the time. I was having such a good time playing and wanted to get better and better. I guess this sorta holds true for any sport.

My girlfriend (wife now) at the time also played with me using two keyboards. She types over 120wpm.

I didn't know I was learning a life skill at the time.

The House of the Dead 2 was a really popular arcade game at the time, so adapting the preexisting game into an at-home typing trainer was actually genius innovation.

Millennial, StarCraft on 56k modem (no voip). Type like a raccoon but fast.