What things from the 2020s do you think will age horribly?

TheImpressiveX@lemmy.ml to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 140 points –

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Ha. I can see I'm off to a good start around here.

Well you seem to be a transphobic asshole

I thought this place was supposed to be an alternative to Reddit. Don't act as if there's no room for a nuanced conversation when it comes to giving children the autonomy to choose to take puberty blockers or opt for surgery.


Yeah it's an alternative to Reddit because master debating is mocked here instead of "good sir let us meet in the marketplace of ideas". Go back to Reddit.

What do you think the point of puberty blockers is? How many gender affirming surgeries are taking place on children? Or are you just spreading transphobic lies?

I espouse what I believe in, same as anyone else.

Oh ok well you're a stupid ignorant fuck threatening people for existing. You're parroting literal Nazi talking points.

People who speak like you do a great disservice to your own cause and make it easy for people to stand against it.

Eat shit, fuck off, and die transphobe.

Death threats are repulsive

To be fair, that wasn't a death threat. That was just a "fuck off and die" not "I am going to kill you" lol

Still. Although you're correct, it's like watching a mouth breather start screaming about nonsense. It does nothing to bolster an argument. It only makes them look like they have no self control, nor much mental capacity, and if anything they promote their opponents. Oh well.