Despite tech-savvy reputation, Gen Z falls behind in keyboard typing skills to – 487 points –
Despite tech-savvy reputation, Gen Z falls behind in keyboard typing skills

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80wpm is pretty common for a typical average typing speed for anybody who can touch type, 100wpm is more common among programmers, and people who do a lot of typing. Anything faster than that and you have had hand injuries and use a fancy keyboard now, or you will soon have hand injuries.

typing speed is rather funny.

I type 120. How fucked am I, doctor?

if you do it for sustained periods for long periods of time, you should probably think about investing in one of those fancy ortholinear keyboards, or whatever works best for you. Maybe switch to dvorak or azerty for funsies or something.

if you don't type very regularly, it's probably not as big of a deal.

It is so much better I switched to a 36 key split ortho keyboard(draculad) with colemak and layers to reach keys farther then 1 key away normally it feels amazing

yeah, once you're using a keyboard designed for actual hand positioning, it's much more manageable and generally, a lot less taxing on the individual.