Florida voters who oppose the state's 6-week abortion ban say they are being visited by police

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to News@lemmy.world – 502 points –

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Can the US please just decide if it wants to be a theocracy or not. Please can it be not.

This sudo religious fascist state, but also kind of not really, is really tiring on everyone else.

It's written "pseudo", a prefix in old Greek meaning fake (as in pseudopod). "sudo" is a Linux command to run a command or script as another user.

Actually, running "pseudo [command]" causes your system to pretend to run the command.

Also, sudopods are a close relative of sauropoda, who can use their long necks to bypass read restrictions.

Unfortunately, "sauron [command]" still won't see the Jia Tan backdoor obscured in the shadows, nor the_ring.yml that you're piping to /dev/null