Tuesday 9/10 Presidential Debate Megathread!

jordanlund@lemmy.worldmod to politics @lemmy.world – 243 points –

Was tempted to call this "Debate 2: Electric Boogaloo" but a) A lot of Lemmy won't get the OG reference. and 2) "Boogaloo" has been co-opted and carries an unfortunate connotation these days.

Also, while it's Trump's 2nd debate of the season, it's Harris's first...

It's being run by ABC News at 9 PM Eastern time, 6 PM Pacific, I see MSNBC starts their coverage TWO HOURS EARLY. That's a lot of air time to fill, guys. Good luck!

Live updates, how and when to watch, debate rules, etc. here:


Link to the first debate thread here:


That't it! Thanks for hanging with it everbody!


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She is fucking him up. But his followers will never see it.

His followers were never going to change their vote though.

Undecided voters are the target audience

She's holding her own. I think it's going as good as she would have hoped.

The way she looks at him while calling him out is great to see. That’s gotta be getting to him.

He refuses to look at her, the entire time. He can't even hardly look at the moderators. He can't acknowledge a woman is on a stage with equal standing with him and it's embarrassing him.

Is she? She's ignoring way too much of his bullshit instead of dismissively calling him out on it. I don't think she's losing but I wouldn't be surprised if this debate ends up getting called a draw by lots of outlets. Now, part of that is down to ABC, but Trump is being allowed to bulldoze both her and the moderators, and too many of his lies are left unanswered by either her or the moderators.

I don't think he bulldozed anyone. He tried but the more he got into it with the moderators the worse he came off and after he went through all of his usual nonsense he had nothing for the rest of the debate