Voter ID laws may restrict 210,000 trans people from voting in November to politics – 186 points –

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“Just pay for an ID and then go through the extra steps at the polls when your vote gets challenged!”

Non-Americans are ignorant of our system and show their naïveté when they try to comment on it

Ignorant ass Canadian here. I think we have trouble fathoming how ridiculous you make it.

One time on the way back from class (or getting high, I don't remember) we walked by an advance voting station so we took a couple minutes to vote, during which we realized I didn't have my wallet on me so a roommate (who had id) vouched for me, the poll worker took down my info and I voted within a couple minutes.

i know its it's likely just an oversimplification you made, but I feel obligated to point out why this is.

The far-right's only winning strategy is to restrict voting rights. That's how much they are not liked, they consciously know and act on the fact that they know they are deeply unpopular.

You also have to gather all the paperwork from various places, which could be easy if your parents are responsible, but onerous if not. In many places, there is no public transportation to those or between those places (or it's not in a timely manner). After that, they still have to get to the place to get the ID. All of this is time and money that particularly the poor and those in under-served communities cannot muster.

Edit: to add, they also need to get time off of work to accomplish this, which they may not be able to afford. This is why I do not really like voter ID laws as they are often proposed.

And it's not the same challenge everywhere. You may think, "Just go on Wed when they're open from 8a to 7p. Nobody works that long!" Well, some people do work that long because they go from one job to another and in some counties the ID issuing office is open only a few hours per month!

I spent quite a bit of time working multiple jobs to survive with basically no time to do anything other than sleep. I can definitely relate to this.

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