Russian investigation confirms Putin’s son was born in Switzerland to World – 207 points –
Russian investigation confirms Putin’s son was born in Switzerland

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It's going to always be subjective!!! Nobody is claiming it's objective!!!


Sounds like I'm just missing your point then. I don't understand the relevance of the methodology if it doesn't produce a useful rating beyond the subjective opinion someone would have given anyway, nor establish a coherent reason for the rating.

"Subjective" is not the same as "useless" or "arbitrary".

If you know the types of movies I like then when I give movie ratings you can adjust for that bias. Especially if I publish my review criteria, preferences, etc. You may not agree with my rating, but if you understand it then you can make an informed decision about whether you may like the movie as well.

Thanks for clarifying, that makes sense now. I think from that perspective, MBFC in my mind is still useless because the why behind their rating is totally opaque, at least to me. I have read several of their analysis and their methodology and I just still have no idea why they give a certain rating. It feels more like a post hoc rationalisation than a process or set of criteria that was followed. Maybe it's just me though, and it's clearer for other folks.