Debate wrap up: No one has ever so thoroughly dominated Donald Trump to politics – 1019 points –
Debate Wrap Up: No One Has Ever So Thoroughly Dominated Donald Trump

She set a tone at the very start when she walked right into his space to shake his hand and made him almost pull back into himself in response. She was in charge and never stopped being in charge. 

Harris also managed what neither Joe Biden nor Hillary Clinton nor any of the 2016 Republicans managed to do which is successfully bait Donald Trump and get under his skin. Within a few minutes Trump was visibly angry and not in a way that empowered him but in a way that made him lose focus, go down rabbit holes and generally go off onto damaging tangents. Spittle anger, not righteous anger, shall we say.


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I wonder what thinks. They're an entertaining bunch.

Apparently they don't want to talk about it. The only post since the debate is an unrelated article fearmongering about Haitian immigrants.

The mod there is always doing that game where he winks about how the Democrats were the slave owners during the civil war, as if the numerous political realignments since then never happened.

I got banned yesterday for posting a speech by Lincoln where he was mocking slavers because they called themselves "conservatives" despite the fact that they wanted to break long-standing prohibitions and push slavery onto the rest of the country.

He apparently didn't appreciate my demonstration that it's always been ideological conservatives who are consistently weirdo fascist losers.

Pretty quiet so far. Took a peek and the only posts in the last day are about Ohio and the influx of Haitian immigrants and one person asking what everyone thought of the debate.

So far, that post has two comments, the most upvoted one said Harris won and is the better candidate; the other with the most downvotes said that neither did a good job, that there was no winner, and that the American people lost in the debate.

That's great.

Here in my mixed political neighborhood, we have 3 houses with huge banners nailed to their fences, including a 40 ft long "FUCK BIDEN" one, a Christmas lights covered "Outlaws Trump & Vance" larp poster with them both in cowboy costumes and a few others.

We don't talk to the crazy ones, of course. However the fuck Biden banner house has a really nice old lady in her 80s living in it, so very strange...

We don’t talk to the crazy ones, of course.

This is the only good thing about Trump signs. It lets me know who in the neighborhood to avoid.

I went ahead and took the liberty of posting a query in there.. and surprisingly the top comment (probably wasn't a member lol) was in favour of Kamala.

Lol, no one "did a good job" at the debate? Great assertion neur, now let's see you back it up.

Pretty much what I'd expect from a trump supporter after that debate. They can't openly come out and say Kamala dominated him.. so they just grudgingly say neither did well and vaguely portend our ok imminent doom

My parents are longtime NPR fans but my mom was pissed today because NPR was basically saying this in their analysis.