Harris delivered a ‘masterclass’ debate. Will it change the race?

piefedderatedd@piefed.social to politics @lemmy.world – 356 points –

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A few Republicans I know said they were going to vote libertarian or just not vote after watching the debate so she did pretty fucking well.

Despite how much they go on about how nuanced and special their views are, libertarians will find a way to vote GOP like they always do.

I'm sure they said that.

I like to lie about things I'm ashamed of too.

"She makes some good points. I might vote for her if she wasn't a Democrat" - Republicans

I have too many principles to vote for anyone like him!

*votes for him while touching self in booth to thought of capital gains cut


Is there even a candidate now that wormbrain dropped out?

He fucked up dropping out as well as everything else. People can still vote 🪱 in a bunch of states.

Oh yeah they have their own candidate. Just some guy. Probably the guy that doesn't talk about age of consent laws too much. They try to pick a composed member of the party for that spot but who knows lol

A few Republicans I know said they were going to vote libertarian or just not vote

Very funny that he is straight up Biden-ing himself.