Biden seeks 'full accountability' after death of US citizen in West Bank to World – 105 points –

In a statement, Biden said that while Israel has taken responsibility for her death, the U.S. government expects continued access as the investigation continues over the circumstances of the shooting. "There must be full accountability. And Israel must do more to ensure that incidents like this never happen again," Biden said.


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Do you think America wouldn't do the same though?

Edit: I never said it was a good thing, just that she said the quiet part out loud.

Are you trying to justify America arming and funding a colonial state intent on wiping out the entire native population in addition to the routine execution and murder of international aid workers and journalists by saying "Well wouldn't America do the same thing?"

No. I'm saying that's how they justify it.

Edit: it seems most people think I ment this was a good thing? No, America isn't inherently good.

This statement shows how America supports the genocide because America would be willing to do similar slaughter if an attack happened to us (look at our post 9/11 actions for an example of the destruction we are willing to cause). It also shows how she not only recognizes but supports this view.