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Joined 2 weeks ago

How many users does IG have that are registered as under 18?

I'm 25 now, but I still always say I was born in the 80s out of habit...

It's a good step, but it won't fix things.

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I used to find it utterly hilarious before I switched to Lemmy, how redditorshated twitterx and twitterx users, then would praise reddit and the reddit community lmfao.

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You really don't want to have policy be swayed by suicides.

Yes I do.

I don't care what method brings about the end of the genocide.

It encourages more people to kill themselves.

Yeah, if you stop a genocide thanks to people self immolating then people will start doing it to try and get weed legal next...

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Oh no, the Hitler particles have crossed the human toaster barrier.

When I starve myself for a week to be able to buy and consume the new game DLC and there isn't even enough smut


I didn't know they had video games in the 1950s

Pedantic return: it has 3 screens with 2 connecting hinges, it is therefore trifold.

trifold in American English (ˈtraiˌfould) adjective

  1. triple; threefold
  2. having three parts a trifold screen
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Imo It would be hilarious and not confusing if you just used a cutout of the real ron Swanson mustache.

Idk how legal that would be or other solutions around said potential legality though.

If you refuse to speak up and take a principled stand against genocide, you are culpable.

Tacit support for genocide is indicative of mental illness.

Y'all making me hungry for a jersey mikes sub

The true factor is that Israel is a solid foothold for the US in the Middle East long term.

Israel is also currently acting as a testing ground for weapons and feeding the military industrial complex information and funds.

Don't absolve Biden and the US of our level of culpability by reducing us to followers led astray by Netanyahu (not saying it's your intention to do this, but a side effect), this genocide is entirely supported by the US, we aren't just riding along.

What really sucks is that America is aiding a genocide and most people don't care.

How evil must you be to act like the people who talk about it often are "bullshitters and bot nets" because we don't ignore the state of the world like you seemingly can.

She literally clarified that she was going to provide weapons for defense from Iran and its puppets,

Yeah, so who are "Iran and it's puppets"?

  • THE VICE PRESIDENT: Okay. So, I just had a frank and constructive meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu. I told him that I will always ensure that Israel is able to defend itself, including from Iran and Iran-backed militias, such as Hamas and Hezbollah.

July 25, after a meeting with Netanyahu

Who is fighting to stop the Israeli genocide?...

So she clarified that she's not pro Genocide, she will just support Israels "right to defend" itself from those who actually oppose their genocide.

The rest is empty words and doublespeak. She supports Israels war against Hamas and continued funding of their genocidal apartheid state while they genocide Palestinians.

If she really wanted a ceasefire she would vow to end support if they didn't cease fire, not keep giving them whatever they want and asking nicely that they stop

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Fucking magnets.

How do they work?

The people who need help are the ones who can sit by and criticize people for their opposition to a genocide.

It's not some silly game. Our lives are not more meaningful than Palestinians, this is awful, but it pales in comparison to what we are putting Palestine through.

For some people, not taking any action they can to try and stop the genocide, no matter how hopeless, is worse than death. When the pain becomes unbearable...

This man is a martyr and a hero, and he didn't kill himself, the US and Israel killed him in the name of their genocide.

What? Mark Robinson isn't an incel...

Him and his wife have literally had an abortion...

He's just a hypocrite.

Then you're letting sentiment drive you rather than reason.

So you wouldn't want the genocide to end if it came at the cost of someone killing themselves? Why?

Is the entire Palestinian population who are suffering a genocide worth less than a western life to you?

But I refuse to allow that someone's opinion should be given more weight than mine just because they mutilate or kill themselves.

His opinion holds more weight than yours because he is right and you are attacking a martyr rather than focusing on the cause he was martyrd for.

Their mental disorder doesn't confer moral superiority, it detracts from it.

Your insistence that they must be mentally ill/disorderd doesn't negate moral superiority, it only further reveals your apologist mindset.

What happened on oct-7?

Edit: This is genocide apologia/victim blaming.

Gaza resistance isn't to blame for Israels being a genocidal apartheid towards Gaza, and doubly so for the seperate region of the West Bank which Hamas doesn't even control.

It's not YouTube though, it's the YouTuber

What happened on Oct-7?

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You are dealing with fascists, homes. They are going to use the military against us right out of the gate.

Yeah, the famous saying "first they came for everybody all at once and everyone knew they had to stand up against them"...

The vast, vast majority in both parties support the legalization of weed. Republicans are good at politics, they wouldn't die on that hill.

I claim a small corner of your livingroom as my property.

Please don't make this tense or provoke me.

Do you know the history of China? You just described exactly what the KMT did in 1949 when they lost the civil war lmfao.

Do you think America wouldn't do the same though?

Edit: I never said it was a good thing, just that she said the quiet part out loud.

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No. I'm saying that's how they justify it.

Edit: it seems most people think I ment this was a good thing? No, America isn't inherently good.

This statement shows how America supports the genocide because America would be willing to do similar slaughter if an attack happened to us (look at our post 9/11 actions for an example of the destruction we are willing to cause). It also shows how she not only recognizes but supports this view.

This doesn't change or oppose anything I said.

Project 2025 is a list of basically every conservative policy that they will present to the next president for them to choose from. It's basically a standard right wing political transition plan and has only blown up because of the marketing. (Me)


The critical job of institutions such as Heritage is to lay the groundwork. And Heritage does such an incredible job at that.

And a bunch of rambling...

The heritage foundation isn't new and they didn't just recently start proposing policies with project 2025. They were around in 2016 as well.

Mandate for Leadership is a series of books published by The Heritage Foundation, an American conservative think-tank based in Washington, D.C. They offer specific conservative policy recommendations designed to be implemented by the federal government.

The books have traditionally been released to coincide with an incoming U.S. presidential administration. The first edition was released in 1981, following the election of Ronald Reagan, to serve as policy guidance for the incoming Reagan administration. The latest edition, published in April 2023, is a major component of Project 2025.

We did prohibition once already.

I wouldn't discount that as being a possibility for weed.

We aren't in the prohibition era though, things are different. That's the point of legalizing weed now.

We already have tons of small businesses/ individual entrepreneurs selling weed (dealers).

The point of the "legalization and regulation" process is to make it prohibitive to sell legally and transfer the market into the hands of big businesses who can afford it.

Self immolation is a long standing form of protest.

What have you been doing to bring an end to this genocide, besides criticizing others who made the ultimate sacrifice of martyrdom?

Damn you're pathetic and evil.

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The alternative is to let certain countries de facto claim a region because others are too afraid to call them on their BS

Who is de facto claiming land? Taiwan has always been a part of China. KMT fled there after losing the civil war and claimed their occupation was rightful rule.

January 1, 1979.

The United States of America recognizes the Government of the People’s Republic of China as the sole legal Government of China. Within this context, the people of the United States will maintain cultural, commercial, and other unofficial relations with the people of Taiwan.

The Government of the United States of America acknowledges the Chinese position that there is but one China and Taiwan is part of China.

We do not undertake this important step for transient tactical or expedient reasons. In recognizing the People’s Republic of China, that it is the single Government of China, we are recognizing simple reality. But far more is involved in this decision than just the recognition of a fact.

May 28, 2022

The United States approach to Taiwan has remained consistent across decades and administrations. The United States has a longstanding one China policy, which is guided by the Taiwan Relations Act, the three U.S.-China Joint Communiques, and the Six Assurances. We oppose any unilateral changes to the status quo from either side; we do not support Taiwan independence; and we expect cross-Strait differences to be resolved by peaceful means.

That's tame in comparison to the genocide he is protesting.

What's nuts is you attacking the man who was killed by the US support for genocide, rather than continuing to attack the US genocide.

If you disagree with his form of protest against the genocide, fine, ignore it and go do your own form of protest.

What's the point in criticizing him? Make yourself feel better?

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That's unfortunate

It's unfortunate that you would rather attack a man for the way he opposes a genocide than move on and oppose a genocide yourself.

You can't support him because it would support his truth that we are all culpable, and you can't face that reality.

And yes, it is America's fault he has genocide on his conscience and felt compelled to go to such measures, he is a victim of America's genocide. Was Hitler just suicidal in that bunker? Or do you recognize that external actions can influence such things in that case, and just choose to remain ignorant in this one?

Would you like me to be pro-suicide.

I would like you to be a sympathetic understanding human being opposed to genocide, who even if they don't agree with this man's actions themselves, recognizes the context they exist in and focuses towards the true goal of opposing a genocide, rather than attacking a righteous martyr.

But that's a tall ask for Americans in the core of the genocidal imperialist project, unfortunately.

Exactly, so we should stop pointing those guns at China and admit that the corner is part of their house, right?

And your time would be better spent electing better leaders instead of setting yourself on fire.

So I take it this totally isn't just your excuse/rationalization for attacking someone actually willing to take action against genocide and you will be following through on your idea?

So which candidate will you elect who opposes the genocide?...

Anyone who tacitly supports the genocide and doesn't do everything in their power to bring an end to and oppose the genocide is culpable.

There is no form of protest against ongoing genocide which can be deemed "too extreme" because any form of protest will pale in comparison to the genocide.

Trump is not the project 2025 list.

Project 2025 is a list of basically every conservative policy that they will present to the next president for them to choose from. It's basically a standard right wing political transition plan and has only blown up because of the marketing. Trump has also made it clear he disagrees with certain parts.

This leads me to believe he will do the parts he agrees with (cement Republicans power, target immigrants, militarize police etc), but not do the parts he disagrees with.

A 2nd Trump term will probably be the same politics as the first, just a different more efficient/powerful execution (from build the wall and some are fine people [2016], to round them up and it will be bloody [2024] for example). But I don't think he will shift his targets to be anyone who smokes weed, that would be a terrible move and probably bring ruin to the party as most Americans (including Republicans) are for the legalization of marijuana.

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What makes you say this?

Trump's record on weed doesn't seem to be radical prohibitionist or point to a desire for mass arrests of weed users.

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I think this quote from Harris in the debate sums up the American support for the genocide. You can't except the former colonial genocidal regime to oppose the new one they propped up.

And so absolutely, I said then, I say now, Israel has a right to defend itself. We would.

Edit: it seems most people think I ment this was a good thing? No, America isn't inherently good.

This statement shows how America supports the genocide because America would be willing to do similar slaughter if an attack happened to us (look at our post 9/11 actions for an example of the destruction we are willing to cause). It also shows how she not only recognizes but supports this view.

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  1. yes it did, he was very anti-abortion during his 2016 campaign.

  2. He's been president already. He didn't make weed illegal no matter what and start mass arrests.