Harris to begin 'more aggressive' post-debate campaigning stage, campaign says

usernamesAreTricky@lemmy.ml to politics @lemmy.world – 544 points –
Harris to begin 'more aggressive' post-debate campaigning stage, campaign says

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It's not my party. Just happens to be the one im voting for potus

If you are giving them your power it's your party.

That's the shallowest take i think ive ever heard. Are you an adult?

If you're willing to overlook things like genocide so you don't lose your privilege and position of status in society, it doesn't appear that I'm the shallow one.

Oh yes, you know my motivations better than me. Please tell me the queer father of trans mixed race children how im voting for my own self interest you absolute child

You fear losing the table scraps they toss you when theres a means to get the whole meal.

Tell me more about what i fear and what motivates me. Or better yet, get off the internet and try praxis with real people in your community.

I practice what I preach with the marginalized

Ah, but if those marginalized people challenge your opinions in anonymous forums suddenly you know their motivations best and have the best actionable plan. Got it

well go fight your war instead of bitching at everyone else then. we don't need you here.

I'm not going anywhere, trying to silence dissent is very right wing of you.

That's kinda lumping in book burnings and shooting protestors with being asked to leave a website by some rando.

lol. this child is lost. someone point him towards the baddies.