Harris to begin 'more aggressive' post-debate campaigning stage, campaign says

usernamesAreTricky@lemmy.ml to politics @lemmy.world – 543 points –
Harris to begin 'more aggressive' post-debate campaigning stage, campaign says

It's really nice to see a Democratic campaign actually play to win.

Holy shit, right? I genuinely have not been this optimistic about a presidential election since 2008. Don’t get me wrong - shit could still go sideways. But Harris at this point is absolutely SLAYING, and is mostly saying the right things on the right topics, and furthermore is CLEARLY on top of her game, and fully understands the stakes.

It's a fait accompli.

Time to start planning for another business-friendly Democrat administration. It probably won't have majorities in both houses, but it wouldn't matter much even if they did manage to pull that off. Bipartisanship is the name of the Democrat game, and the next question is whether the Republican remnant will play ball or fall into infighting after whatever bloody nonsense their nutjobs get up to this time.

Doomers and bothsides-ers can fuck off. While you people keep bitching and moaning, the adults in the room are trying to make the world a better place.

Yeah, the adults in the room alright. Who were saying she doesn't need any actual policy a few weeks ago and cheering on fascists like Dick Cheney lol.

Toxic positivity.

That's not what that is.

If we're not allowed to be realistic about our expectations, then yes it very much is toxic positivity.

Literally not what that phrase even means.

Toxic positivity followed by gaslighting.

I get that everything is perfect for you, what with the genocide and all. That doesn't mean that everyone who isn't as happy as you want them to be about it is a child or a Russian bot.

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How's Palestine going?

Not great, so people should continue to apply pressure. And not just over Palestine, but over all MIC capture of our government. Otoh, this administration and hopefully Harris' will continue it is one of the most union friendly in living memory and the FTC has been insanely active. If we're lucky, we might even see the return of the CFPB as a legitimate and effective entity. So your characterization is beyond brain dead.

Not great, so people should continue to apply pressure.

Cool. Tell all your Democrat friends that they can have my vote when they start doing the bare minimum and embargo arms sales to Israel.

"I'm not going to help until you guys fix the problem for me"

"Those guys" are part of the problem, voting for them before they stop helping genocide the Palestinians does not incentivize them to stop being part of the problem.

We can do more than one thing at a time. It's absolutely possible to vote for Democrats to put them in a position to do the things we want while simultaneously pushing that same party to do those things.

Real change requires that we capture the Democratic party while strengthening it, not kneecaping it into submission. Primaries are where the real push happens. That's when it needs to be a drag out fight with the party. Not the general.

I only have one vote for the Presidential seat and it is entirely symbolic because I don't live in a swing state.

You say we need to capture the party, but I'm watching it be captured by "moderate" Republicans who suddenly seem very eager to endorse Harris.

This election didn't have a primary, so it sounds like there never was a chance for a "real push".

You say we need to capture the party, but I'm watching it be captured by "moderate" Republicans who suddenly seem very eager to endorse Harris.

Because a ton of people who are progressive sit out largely using the argument you've put forth. See the problem there?

This election didn't have a primary, so it sounds like there never was a chance for a "real push".

I mean primarying an incumbent president is incredibly difficult, I'm not going to disagree. But in our local primaries here in CO we were able to knock out 2 old guard dems and replace them with young progressives that will be on the ballot this fall. We're literally moving the party to the left. It's an absolute grind, but that's the only way this shit will work.

It's also exactly how the conservative crazies got ahold of the GOP, I'm not just spouting theory. They primaried the fuck out of members that didn't do what they want, especially at the local and state levels, and it has absolutely paid off for them. And that took at least 3 full election cycles if not more.

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Don't forget Trump's threats. If you don't vote now, you may not get another chance for a while.

If there's only one option to "save democracy", then democracy is already dead.

Democracy is always one vote away from death. Sometimes there are just a lot more folks voting for a dangerous candidate.

You misunderstand, I'm trying to point out that a "Democracy" that offers only the illusion of choice is anything but.

There's nothing anti-democratic about having a "dangerous" option on the ballot, but if there's only one "safe" candidate then there is no real choice to be made and democracy is impossible.

I'm not dying on this hill. I encourage you to vote and help us gain a little distance from the failed state, however small.

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Cool. Tell all your Democrat friends that they can have my vote when they start doing the bare minimum and embargo arms sales to Israel.

i'll be sure to tell them that once i'm convinced you aren't a tankie trying to subvert the election.

I'm a single-issue anti-genocide voter. My political ideal is a mashup of Library Socialism and Anarchism. The election can't be subverted, it's already been decided that Harris is winning.

I’m a single-issue anti-genocide voter.

you are going to be deeply disappointed when any number of things happens. Notably when you discover that israel probably isn't just flagrantly committing genocide. When you discover other issues like climate change, and human rights abuse. Or like, nestle.

I can think of a few things that would spook you more than like 40,000 people dying. Notably the roughly 300,000 causalities in the russo-ukraine war that's still ongoing.

The election can’t be subverted, it’s already been decided that Harris is winning.

it most definitely can be, see: 2020 election and the jan 6 plot (a video covering the excessive extents of jan 6th, it's 3 hours long, and straight information)

there is already work being done to potentially subvert the will of the voters: see Georgia, i don't have to explain this one, the board committee thing overseeing elections is trying to usurp total control over the certification of the votes.

yes, harris is already winning that's how polling works. Unfortunately for you, polling is never perfectly accurate.

I like your root instance though. Real recognize real if you know what i mean.

you are going to be deeply disappointed

I have been nothing but deeply disappointed with American politics for the entirety of my adult life.

there is already work being done to potentially subvert the will of the voters

That's nothing new. More like par for the course with American elections.

What's different this time is how many "moderate" Republicans are endorsing the Democrats.

The Democratic Party is over, they're giving up on their left wing to chase anti-trump Republicans. After this election they might as well be the Democratic-Republicans ressurrected. One big neoliberal party with no real competition from the right or left.

Unfortunately for you, polling is never perfectly accurate.

  1. Polling is accurate enough, everyone who was surprised that Trump took the presidency in 2016 was just insufficiently cynical about American politics.

  2. I don't need polling to see which way the wind is blowing, this election has been a done deal since Pelosi convinced Biden to drop out of the race. That itself being an event I predicted as the longshot that the Democrats would need all the way back in 2015 when the DNC started openly conspiring against Bernie.

I like your root instance though.


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Hey so maybe wait to see what Harris does after she takes office before you start shitting in the punch bowl?

Like, I get it. I’m jaded as fuck about politics and the electoral system we’re forced to use. But I take it as a VERY promising sign that Biden actually stepped aside. Sure, maybe it was for the “wrong” reasons (age and senility, instead of wrongheaded policies and decisions and being desperately out of touch with younger generations), but I’m happy to take the win where we can get it. Harris is saying a lot of things that are overall resonating with a lot of people, including myself. I’m not deluded enough to think she’ll be a perfect champion of social justice and equality, but at the same time, what she’s saying so far is a damn sight closer to that than any politician I’ve heard since Obama was campaigning in ‘08.

I’m willing to give her a shot. You should too.

btw if you hate our voting system, you should be working towards moving away from FPTP and to something like IRV, maine actually has IRV, and since states are delegated a lot of rights in this regard, it can put a lot of upward pressure on the matter.

Don't misunderstand, part of me is glad that it's going to be Harris and Walz, but I have to be realistic with my expectations. A slightly slower crawl towards fascism and mass climatic genocide seems the best I should expect, but I would love to be pleasantly surprised.

if you're so worried about the imminent threat of a fascist dystopia and believe that the government will not stop it, why don't you start taking matters into your own hands?

please demonstrate the "slightly" aspect of fascism between the harris and walz campaign, and the trump campaign, i would really love to see this "slight" difference you speak of.


palestine is fascist? They might be, they're a war torn government and of middle eastern culture, so maybe.

Israel? They're a democratic country, so uh. BB himself is wildly unpopular within israel. Those aren't normally possible under fascism.

The US? The country almost subverted electorally. Only to push through on the sheer basedness of mike pence believing in democracy like a gigachad? TBF we have another election cycle coming up. But we're doing fine at the moment so.

The US federal government itself due to it's war actions? Seems highly unlikely to me, popular sentiment for this war is, not great. Granted i don't know any statistics on this, so i may be wrong. Since you're here, and criticizing the government for this one, even calling them "fascist" over it. I would probably venture to argue that this is wrong by fundamental reasoning.

I'm not really smelling any fascism here.

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Now that the Boomers finally got out of the way.

Even Harris is a Boomer Gen-X cusp. A late Boomer.

Dang, you're right. Boomers went through 1964, and she was born in October 1964. So, still a boomer... She definitely acts more like Gen X. I bet being a poc has a hand in that.

i really really hope that the kamala campaign is the start of a new left, much like the trump campaign was the beginning of a new right. If we continue moving this way, i forsee good things in our future.

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"The Harris campaign released a new schedule that shows she will be appearing in the same city at the same time as every scheduled Trump rally. The campaign has employed official 'crowd counters,' who will be monitoring both the attendance and crowd retention for every rally. The Harris Campaign will then post live updates on crowd size and early exits on its new account on Truth Social."

Edit: Forgot to add /s

You simultaneously made my day and ruined it. What a roller coaster of emotions. thank you

That's going throw Donald into an incandescent rage. Incredible.

How much money is he going to throw at hiring actors to pad out his rally and retention numbers when it won't make any difference in anyone's voting decision in the end?

Alternatively, how many votes is he going to inadvertently throw away after stiffing actors hired to pad out his rally and retention numbers, when statistically some of them will already be supporters, possibly even planning on going to the rally for free but getting excited about the idea to get paid to do what they were going to do anyways but might see him differently after he fucks them directly?

What she really needs to do is start pushing some of the truths of P2025 and how they'll impact people who may lean right. Specifically hit labor groups and how it would ban Unions.

And it should also hit how much the orange turd hates the military with a big push about the Arlington fiasco, his VA cuts and what he's said specifically. Push that hard.

Yeah, I'm a little worried that everyone seems to have forgotten about P2025 already. And especially worrying that I've seen no mention of reinstating Chevron. Of all things this miserable SCOTUS did, that is easily the most damaging.

Worse than citizens united?

Also awful and needs to be reversed, no question, but I'd at least think Chevron is a more critical pillar to maintain.

I'm ok with that, and I'd like her to actually define her positions better within the framework of definitions regular people use, not redefining of terms by lawyers and politicians.

It really is wild to think about it. Kamala has only been the candidate for a bit under two months at this point. And so much of that was spent politely waiting for the DNC and housekeeping like picking a VP.

this makes sense to me, the way the debate went, im starting to think she prepared a handful of different routes, and just felt out the waters on this one, i really really hope trump does another debate, because if we see kamala go even more aggressively on the next debate, i'm gonna be so fucking happy.

I really don't think Kamala hurt trump at the debate, trump committed an hero.

Is this English? Are you having a stroke? Am I having a stroke??

A wild guess that they mean Kamala didn’t do much at the debate except let trump commit errors.

This is an old meme, from before even they had branded internet cultural phenomena as memes. "a hero" means suicide if I remember correctly, but I can't remember the origin/context that spawned it

the beatings shall continue until morale improves

Why you are you getting downvoted? Do people think this a joke about Kamala being rude to her staff, which is apparently a bullshit accusation?

I thought it was a joke about beating Trump in the debate and continuing to beat him up, more aggressively now, on the trail, while the morale of the country improves, because we love to see it.

I would be so happy if I could see someone beat Trump every day. Might even grab some pom poms and cheer it on.

Do people think this a joke about Kamala being rude to her staff, which is apparently a bullshit accusation?

the obvious implication is that that we're beating the shit out of trumpers, and trump himself until public morale increases. The less obvious implication is that beating is actually just metaphorical to the campaign thats going on, and morale improving is winning the election.

The even less obvious implication is that this is a jab on the abuse thing for kamala, which idk anything about so don't ask me lol.

::: spoiler ABC News - News Source Context (Click to view Full Report) Information for ABC News:

MBFC: Left-Center - Credibility: High - Factual Reporting: High - United States of America
Wikipedia about this source

::: spoiler Search topics on Ground.News https://abcnews.go.com/US/harris-begin-aggressive-post-debate-campaigning-stage-campaign/story?id=113611797 ::: Media Bias Fact Check | bot support

Misinformation bot thinks ABC news is left center lmao.

Sadly the only reason its here is because lemmy.world admins are being paid by mbfc :(

Harris is set to hold two rallies in North Carolina and one in Pennsylvania as part of the kickoff for her "New Way Forward Tour," which her campaign said is an effort to "capitalize on her decisive victory" against former President Donald Trump at the ABC News debate earlier this week.

what new way forward? is she going to suddenly come out strong on anything with a plan forward?

she said nothing in the debates about anything that affects the US citizens on a day-to-day basis and neither did Trump

no matter who wins there will be more police funding, less healthcare, no women's rights, no healthcare reform, nothing to help the environment, more genocide, more antiimmigration, more world policing, stagnant pay, and lots of molasses

what does Harris bring to the table besides being more mentally fit and yes younger but still too old to relate to the populace just like Trump

She talked about housing costs and child tax credits. They both brought up jobs and inflation. Economic issues that affect US citizens on a day to day basis. Critique the details all you want but that is not "nothing".

what does Harris bring to the table besides being more mentally fit and yes younger

Hey you kind of admitted that she's an improvement over Trump finally! We've got the banana endorsement people!

being younger and more mentally fit than Trump is not a justification or a qualification to elect someone as leader

But you are saying she is better than Trump in these regards.

She is younger. She is more mentally fit.

I agree with you she is indeed younger and more mentally fit than Trump.

She's promising molasses? Shoot, sign me up.

Democrats support old fashioned politics that will slow progress down like molasses just as much as Republicans and so do the voters who keep showing their support for the slow regressive march backwards towards the good old' days with voting

Not really sure what reality you're in, but in case you haven't noticed we have pretty much 2 choices in the US until RCV or its alternatives reach a critical threshold.

Rs who don't just want to slow down progress, but actively taking things backwards and Ds who progress things slower then we'd like, but still progress nonetheless.

I'd rather have slow progress than backwards progress any day.

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What are you even talking about? She explicitly addressed healthcare, women's rights, and economic relief in the fucking debate, not to mention she has actual platform and policy on all the other topics you mentioned. Like, she has positions and lack of positions I strongly disagree with but stupid revisionist shit like this is such blatant misinformation, it's distressing to think thus is what "informs" so many voters' opinions.

did you watch the debate? Her response to abortion was crystal clear. Suggesting it doesn't affect people is insane.

And your framing is exactly what JD Vance attempted, basically: I didn't see a plan from Harris and plans don't put food on the table. Which is onion-esque levels of trying to have it both ways.

I understand the problem with her capitulating to the (lets not call it the republican framing as the whole media has done little to challenge it) media framing on gaza and immigration. Its discredits democrats that they don't challenge the framing at all and at least bring up DACA.

What a Harris win would buy us is time to reframe these narratives and attempt solutions and could possibly push the court closer to an overturn of citizens united. No single election is going to solve the myriad problems we face.

Its also clear Trump, if he wins, will run the country as a figurehead for fascism while his remaining advisors run things - most involved in heritage foundation's project 2025 - which will at best face resistance, and at worst reshape america into more of a pay to play hellhole than it already is, while putting a number of minority groups in a vice

$50000 for new small businesses, $35000 for new homeowners, $6000 for new parents

great if you are a small business

also great if you make enough to afford a home

but yay a tax credit

In this service gig economy, the $50k is absolutely huge. How many can use that to start up serious independent social media channels? Don't mind me over here day dreaming. That's a good year salary to try to generate income, and if successful can create more jobs by hiring extra help for editing, management, etc. Think of it like a drop in the bucket with what Putin was willing to pay propagandists per episode.

Also, $35k sounds like a good down payment in most states

sounds good on paper but that is where the reality ends

not enough people would be able to take advantage of these policies like they would if we just upped the minimum wage

sidestepping the disease and going after symptoms will not heal the sickness

Well hey, good news! She wants to raise the minimum wage, too. But I see that as a side step, as well. Stronger worker/union rights overall would be ideal.

That won't cover diapers and formula for a whole year.

i guess it's time for you to start planning your own fight then, huh? i mean it looks like there's no political party that you can side with, so i guess that means it's all up to you. i think you can still find copies of the anarchist's cookbook online. what are you doing wasting your time here?

Bro there's still no other option but to vote for her. The alternative is literally to set the country on actual fire.

Two party system fuckin sucks and yes it needs to be changed, but when the literal end of democracy is the alternative, there's no other choice.

Not too old. Too benefiting from the corruption to do anything about the corruption. Otherwise, I agree with your assessment.

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By aggressive she means lurching further to the right.



Lemmy ml and a history of Putin defense?

Alright fam.

Point to where I defended Putin. Or is this one of those covert bot remarks with you trying to circumvent the bot rule?

Try not to act surprised when you do nothing to elect leftist candidates locally and at the state level next year. Or any leftist candidates to the legislature at mid terms. And then in 4 years try not to act surprised that the POTUS candidates appeal to neoliberal, centrist and conservatives who have proven to engage with politics for decades and thus being an safe strategy to the white house.

Pouting about it won't endear people to your cause.

Try not to act surprised when you do nothing to elect leftist candidates locally and at the state level next year.

The party protects anti-choice NRA stooge candidates like Cuellar, but refuses to protect incumbent progressives like Bowman and Bush.

The party does. And feeble-minded armchair leftists cosplayers sit around bickering about whos the truest scotsman until 6 months before the next presidential election and act surprised that nobody wants to engage with their top-down approach to political revolution

So the party does everything it can to lock out the left and you blame the left for not being able to start from the bottom.

Is it surprising to you that those in power act to keep themselves in power? If it is surprising maybe it's time to brush up on your theory. Das Kapital may be the seminal work on the topic, but as a California native i think Huey P Newton is more relevant to modern American life and better illustrates how bottom-up organization is more effective for creating actual change

Is it surprising to you that those in power act to keep themselves in power?

No. It shouldn't have surprised me that centrists would blame the left for the actions of centrists to fuck them over, either.

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So by your own admission, you acknowledge that your entire party is neoliberal, centrist and conservative. They have become the dominant right-wing conservative party

It's not my party. Just happens to be the one im voting for potus

If you are giving them your power it's your party.

That's the shallowest take i think ive ever heard. Are you an adult?

If you're willing to overlook things like genocide so you don't lose your privilege and position of status in society, it doesn't appear that I'm the shallow one.

Oh yes, you know my motivations better than me. Please tell me the queer father of trans mixed race children how im voting for my own self interest you absolute child

You fear losing the table scraps they toss you when theres a means to get the whole meal.

Tell me more about what i fear and what motivates me. Or better yet, get off the internet and try praxis with real people in your community.

I practice what I preach with the marginalized

Ah, but if those marginalized people challenge your opinions in anonymous forums suddenly you know their motivations best and have the best actionable plan. Got it

well go fight your war instead of bitching at everyone else then. we don't need you here.

I'm not going anywhere, trying to silence dissent is very right wing of you.

That's kinda lumping in book burnings and shooting protestors with being asked to leave a website by some rando.

lol. this child is lost. someone point him towards the baddies.

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You can't go straight for the presidency with your ideals. You have to shift opinion from the bottom up. Meanwhile, we participate in a game of tug-of-war at the top levels.

The general public opinion is there, but people feel trapped in a two-party system and they fear that if they were to vote outside of that two-party system they may lose the few table scraps that they currently get

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