Pigs Fly; George Will Endorses Harris

piefedderatedd@piefed.social to politics @lemmy.world – 219 points –

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I am so confused.

George Will

Who? Has he played a significant role in past elections and I've never noticed?

and baseball fan

Why? Why is this part of this story? It makes me want to care even less. Is that the point?

don't how old you are, but will is old school republican. hails from what what was known as the "intellectual" appendage of the gop's corpse. dude is wrong, but not dumb.

if we set aside the accelerated rightward sprint of the democrats since the 1980's, a public kamala endorsement from him really is kind of a pigs flying moment.

this move might signal to the remains of his caste that its ok to secretly pull that dem lever or just sit it out. effect will likely be minimal, but not inconsequential in a super tight race.

what is more intersting is that parts of the lobotomized right are still making gurgling noises.

He's a power behind the throne kind of guy, but he's well known in wonkish circles.

He once didn't know what to write for his regular column, so he ranted about how blue jeans are a blue collar symbol taken over by elite coastal liberals.

Yes, he has played a significant role in past elections all the way back to Reagan, and you haven't noticed.

He's an intellectual pundit that was on Fox News until 2017. He writes political commentary for the Washington Post; his column currently appears in 415 newspapers.

He won a Pulitzer Prize for commentary.

He continues to appear on MSNBC to this day.

He's also considered to be a baseball expert who has written extensively on the subject including his own book. Their "baseball fan" comment was intended to be cute, I think.

haven't a clue myself.

I was like... "george who? King George? Curious George? George Costanza?"

George Will is a conservative commentator whose name is familiar to us olds. He used to write in Newsweek when it was a prominent magazine back in the day and was on TV. I imagine he is a never-trumper so what is surprising here is not that he would refuse to vote but that he will vote for Harris. That can only mean that the old guard conservatives recognize trump as an existential threat to the country which he is.

most of the super-rich folks prefer stability over chaos.

Like a lot of people talk about how rich Musk and Bezos are. They're likely not the richest people in the world- they're the richest people in the world dumb enough to talk about how rich they are. The Rockefeller family, for example, has who-knows-how-much stashed away in blind llc's etc, and all the Old Money types pay a fortune to maintain their privacy.

People like the Koch brothers (well except that fourth one that's not talked about,)... they endorsed trump last time around because he promised to deregulate everything- and they've been on a tear ever since they got dinged for benzene leaks in Corpus Christi.

Musk is the richest person in the world, AFAIK. I believe he's rapidly approaching trillionaire status.

That's fake money. Rockefellers and Rothschilds have real money. As in capital and assets.

I wouldn't call TSLA shares not an asset.

I would say those shares are significantly over valued. only reason they haven't already collapsed is because of all the fanbois still sucking musk off.

When you're talking about 'richest people', that's total wealth, not just liquid money. The Rockefellers and Rothschilds may be wealthy as families, but no individual within them even comes close to having the amount of overall wealth that Musk and Bezos have.

This is not a good thing, BTW.

That. You. Know. Of.

Again. He’s not the richest man in the world. He’s the richest man in the world that is dumb enough to talk about it.

that they know of.

You can link any news agency you want. It will always come down to "that they know of."

most rich people will use tools to hide their assets (maybe not from the government, but from the public). Financial information- including stocks, general banking, companies they own or whatever. other assets these are generally confidential. The only really common exception is real estate, but there's ways of hiding ownership behind companies, trusts, or such. there are entire lawfirms dedicated specifically to doing just that.

People like the Rothschilds or Rockefeller families, and others... They don't advertise. They don't share that information, and they take extensive measures to ensure their privacy.

One of those measures is not talking to Forbes and telling them how much cash they have in assets.

So whenever reading that list. Always add that line: "the richest person dumb enough to brag about it" Because honestly, bragging about it like musk or bezos do... is really freaking stupid.