
15 Post – 105 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

"suddenly take a dangerous turn"?

What direction did they think his actions were headed?

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Not the first time people "bought" digital media only to have it taken away.

Physical media or local downloads is the way to go.

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There are 54 pages of risk factors, which, after reading many S-1 filings over the years, seems pretty long. One of the most notable is the sentence, “We have incurred substantial losses during our history and may never achieve profitability.”

Well that doesn't sound very promising for them.

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Toyota already admits that they are behind on their battery technology, despite having decades of opportunities to improve and innovate with their hybrid models.

Now they want to double down on their atrophy by effectively throwing their money away instead of investing in the future?

On the surface, this does not sound like a good plan for long term growth and profitability.

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"non-human" is not the same as "non-terrestrial". We've shot a lot of non-human "biological material" into space.

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How is this not a form of witness tampering? Are congressional witnesses allowed to be threatened for their participation in a hearing?

Wouldn't this also meet the requirements for "Obstructing an official proceeding"?

I've not really followed this story, but is anybody talking about impeachment and / or criminal charges for this behavior?

China is claiming...

Aaaand I no longer have any confidence in the validity of this claim.

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A survey of 18,000 Americans released in March pointed to flexible work schedules helping mental health.

It's almost like the work force actually values the quality of their lives more than ... umm, honestly I've never been able to figure out a positive side for companies pushing RTO. Report after report show remote work improves productivity, employee retention, is perceived as a significant perk to attract new talent, and reduces corporate overhead (that last one is just an assumption on my part).

Seriously, what is the attraction for RTO?

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Incentives for joining the military target lower income communities.

The military is continually sent into one unpopular conflict after another since at least Vietnam (right around the time the report noticed a drop in white enlistment).

Legislators pass and / or preserve policies that create barriers preventing non-whites from accumulatimg wealth.

Hmmm ... I wonder if there is a connection.

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The considered ban on masks was for protesters.

The idea of not allowing anonymity for protesters has its origins in combating racial violence and the KKK. Klan members suddenly lost a lot of their motivation to assemble in public, once they had to show their faces, those that did were less likely to commit illegal acts and the ones that did break the law were more likely to face legal reprocutions.

The contemplated ban on masks for protesters in Los Angeles was considered following increased violence by masked protesters and was not motivated by covid denial.

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The difference is the US government believes that TikTok is beholden to the Chinese government. When a corporation acts this way it is an invasion of privacy. When a foreign government acts this way it is espionage.

If TikTok is sold to an entity the US government thinks is sufficiently independent from a foreign government, then they can continue spying on users.

Alternatively, they may be able to registers under the Foreign Agents Registration Act. I don't know how that would impact TikTok's ability to operate though.

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Did I miss the part about customer satisfaction? Guy could have just moved from solving customer issues in 2 hours to aggravating and loosing customers in under 2 minutes.

In 2020, so-called "AI agents" defeated human pilots in simulations in all five of their match-ups - but the technology needed to be run for real in the air.

It did not reveal which aircraft won the dogfight.

I'm gonna guess the AI won.

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... violated the Constitution’s ban on taking of private property for public use.

Do they think that regulating the usage of private property is the same as having it taken away? Was their argument really "As long as it's on my property, I should be able to do whatever I want, whenever I want, to whomever I want. Anything else is a violation of my rights!"

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Pretty sure this will end up like the similar Alabama case in 2022. "Sure it illegally disenfranchises voters, but it would be unfair to fix it so close to an election. Go ahead and rig this election, but promise to change (not fix, just change) it after the election."

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I used to spend a lot of energy being concerned what other people thought of me. How I dressed, how I acted, what I owned, etc. One day I realized 2 things:

  1. Most people are too busy thinking about themselves to spare any meaningful thoughts for me.

  2. I'm never going to see most of these people ever again so it doesn't matter what they think.

After that I started directing that energy into making sure that I approved of my choices rather than hoping strangers would.

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If these answers are not provided, the claim then undergoes further review, which extends the time a winner must wait in order to receive their prize.

So the prize was delayed, not denied. Misleading headlines like this really make it difficult to trust the source.

A simplified summary: The donor is accused of fraud and of using the proceeds of a scam (stolen money) to make a $100,000 donation Giuliani's legal defense funds. The lawsuit is trying to claw back that donation to help pay restitution to the victims of the donors alleged scam.

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In my opinion, the most important aspect of a healthy and strong relationship (romantic or platonic) is communication.

Talk to him. Mention it as an observation, ask him about why he thinks he does this, tell him your thoughts or concerns about it, whatever. It might be one conversation or multiple conversations over a period of time. The point is to bring up the topic and harbor a safe space to discuss anything with little to no judgement.

Am I expected to pay or be paid the $800?

23andMe admitted that hackers had stolen the genetic and ancestry data of 6.9 million users

I'm honestly asking what the impact to the users is from this breach. Wasn't 23andMe already free to selling or distribute this data to anybody they wanted to, without notifying the users?

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The month is Compuary, which is a new cyber-month they added just for doing hacker stuff.

A what now? To do what again?

And they do sex stuff up there as well.


There's Baltimore Airport, lab-grown to be a swimsuit model but programmed to kill.

Obviously a complex character with depth.

There's Crusty Silverware...

Say no more ... please.

Infiltrate the dome and take out Harvard Pubence, the president of cops.

You son of a bitch, I'm in!

Tonight, Pubence is guest of honor at the 9th annual Rich Perverts' Ball.

OMG! Stop I already said I was in!

My team jacked up on Tums 2

Seriously, I need to read this book or my life may never feel complete!

how do you feel happy when you aren't?

Personally, when I was younger I caught myself using relationships to define my self worth and distract me from dealing with my own negative thoughts. So I started working on myself. I would sit in silence, with little to no distractions, for prolonged periods of time at least once a week (e.g. taking a long bath, or a road trip with no radio). This forced me to spend time with my own thoughts and, before long, something would bubbled to the surface (a past argument, memories of a past breakup, feelings of inadequacy, etc). Then I would take a look at that subject and / or allow myself to just feel any negative emotions. The objective was not to "solve" the issue, just to be mindful of it and understand why I was holding on to those thoughts. Eventually, I came to terms with most of my inner turmoil in one form or another. That got me to a place where I could be alone without being lonely and that, in turn, allowed me to be happy whether I was in a relationship or not.

Not sure if that is any help to you, but it worked for me.

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20 year shelf life, but looks like it went out of stock in 2019 😭


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I'm sure that it will be fixed after this election and broken again before the next. The Supreme Court made sure of that back in 2022 with the Merrill v Milligan verdict where they admited that the racially gerrymandered districts were illegal, but allowed to be used anyways so long as it's relatively close to an election.

When an election is close at hand, the rules of the road must be clear and settled. Late judicial tinkering with election laws can lead to disruption and to unanticipated and unfair consequences for candidates, political parties, and voters, among others.

  • Brett Kavanaugh
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The stuff humans have left on the Moon and Mars would probably be good indicators.

Today, under 5,000 women and 8,000 children are now officially listed by the UN as casualties.

Is that supposed to be the good news?

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From the article:

At first, it appeared the bread exemption applied to Panera Bread restaurants. Bloomberg News reported the change would benefit Greg Flynn, a wealthy campaign donor to Newsom. But the Newsom administration said the wage increase law does apply to Panera Bread because the restaurant does not make dough on-site. Also, Flynn has announced he would pay his workers at least $20 per hour.

It's a minimum security Federal Prison Camp where inmates can escape by simply waking away. Even when convicted, these traitors don't do hard time.

I cannot find confirmation on this, but I suspect the reason for the visit is that in-person visits are less likely to be monitored and "safer" for discussing illegal or incriminating topics. Can't imagine any other reason for Donnie Jr to go there in person.

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  • Playing a musical instrument:

    Easier to learn when young and improves brain elasticity.

  • Cooking:

    Encourages healthier eating habits, decreases frequency on costly meals out, and makes learning to cook new things less intimidating.

  • Fixing things / building things:

    Once you start taking things apart or putting them together (doesn't really matter what) it increases the confidence of being able to do your own repairs / maintenance instead of paying others to do it.

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Invictus by William Ernst Henley

When I was younger I clung to it's message of perseverance. It ended up being the first poem that I ever memorized.

Out of the night that covers me
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance,
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate
I am the captain of my soul.


Are you kidding? China has some of the strongest censorship laws in the world which includes filtering internet content and blocking access to apps. North Korea is the only country that has more repressed access to free information.


The Chinese government has banned, among others, Google, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Reddit, BBC, Wikipedia and ... are you ready for this ... TIKTOK. The Chinese government agrees that TikTok should be banned (though for different reasons).


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It's a turkey for the American Thanksgiving holiday.

Officers injured at the scene are blaming and suing Tesla over the incident.


And the reality is that any vehicle on cruise control with an impaired driver behind the wheel would’ve likely hit the police car at a higher speed. Autopilot might be maligned for its name but drivers are ultimately responsible for the way they choose to pilot any car, including a Tesla.

I hope those officers got one of those "you don't pay if we don't win" lawyers. The responsibility ultimately resides with the driver and I'm not seeing them getting any money from Tesla.

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Here's my theory that is based on no research whatsoever:

Cigarette companies used to pay to have characters smoke in movies and TV shows. This would cultivate a social acceptance and "cool factor" around smoking. During the 80s and 90s, this practice came under fire and smoking in movies and TV dramatically dropped to the point of almost being non-existent.

Then time passed, vaping became popular, and people stopped caring about the impact of normalizing or even glorifying smoking. So the practice of paying studios to have characters smoke started to return. Nobody said anything, so it is becoming common place again.

It doesn't matter if it is unhealthy, it is profitable.

Nooooo! 😭 I so badly wanted this to be real. I had even looked it up by ISBN to try and order it. The ISBN is for a book titled Brute Orbit, if anybody is curious.

Odd response. I am curious to know what reportable offense OP thinks I committed.

You are "happy" about 8,000 dead children?

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Good time for somebody to learn the art of kintsugi