Dogs vs Cats to Lemmy – 793 points –

I swear my cat does stuff just to piss me off, specifically for the purpose of getting my attention.

My cat has pretty much free reign of the place...with two exceptions. Whenever she wants my attention and isn't getting it, she ALWAYS goes where she's not allowed just to force me to get up and yell at her. Her reaction is just "oh you're up now? Ok come on let's go play"

Something you wanna say?

Thought not.

My cat is giving me that stare right now, and he knows I am powerless to stop him.

cats when they do something wrong: :3c

Dogs just pretend to feel shame in the hopes you'll go easy on them.

For two of my cats I agree but the other one definitely shows remorse when he's being scolded. It may not be genuine but he's certainly pretending he's sorry.