Biden promised no jail time for weed. He's running out of time to pardon cannabis convicts.

Verdant to politics – 354 points –

With the president's decision to drop out of the race, he has effectively begun a longer lame-duck period, which is historically when most presidential clemency grants have occurred.


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It's a fact that pardons, especially controversial ones, come at the end after the election. That this means worship to you is still laughable. You're now just trying to be pedantic on the word fact.

Still mad that it's just a little ahead of the ball to say that he (whatever agency really) rescheduled marijuana? Boy. Not to mention it's just another form of trying to be pedantic.

Still mad that it’s just a little ahead of the ball

He never intended to reschedule, and he ran out the clock.

Didn't we already discuss this? It's not him, it's whatever agency that decides (afaik). He told them to take a look at it hint hint wink wink 'it's not 1960 anymore'.

So, you're still playing pedantic games huh.

Didn’t we already discuss this? It’s not him, it’s whatever agency that decides

He would individually ask every federal employee in person if that's what it took to run out the clock. Or until he got the "no" he was after.

Ahh the b b b but Biden bad! train. See this is the speculation that you project. Are we having fun today yet?

Ahh the b b b but Biden bad! train. See this is the speculation that you project

Whatever you say. Cannabis is rescheduled and the pardons happened. The genocide stopped too. And we're not fracking anymore.

So still pedantic. And of course you know you can't defend that, so you throw strawmans at me so that you can wrap the whole thing into one fake little package. Who accused the other of lies? We see it was projection. Just so you can be mad at me. Fun times huh.

Cannabis still isn't rescheduled. That's an actual fact. Unlike your "He's gonna pardon them after the election" speculation.

You're conflacting people saying "X won't be done until after the election" with "X will be done after the election." The former isn't a declaration that X will be done, just an assertion that if it is done it won't be until after the election.

And I still don't think it's gonna happen at all. Just look at how adamantly centrists continue to pretend that cannabis has been rescheduled when it fucking hasn't.

And I still don't think it's gonna happen at all.

Ok, I'm not arguing whether it will or won't. I'm just pointing out how you're repeatedly accusing people of saying something they didn't. Just like how people accuse you of being pro-Trump when you say things that are anti-Biden or anti-Kamala.

So since they're gonna keep doing that no matter what, why should I bother with accuracy about them? They sure as fuck never have about me.

Far as I'm concerned, they're all in on the war on drugs and are delighted at all the lives it's ruined because it's disproportionately harmed minorities.

If they keep saying the worst about me, there's no reason at all to extend greater courtesy to them.

Yup still mad that it's a little ahead of the ball. Guess you didn't like me pointing out the other things you tried to combine in it because you dropped them pretty quick. All you have is your weird pedantic games.

I also edited my comment about you projecting lies, make sure you read it!

It's not "aHeAd Of ThE bAlL." It's a fucking lie to say that cannabis is rescheduled.

I don't remember exactly if you used to have points, but the mask sure came off. You don't have points. All you have is pedantic games and being mad.

What can I say? I don't like being lied to. Cannabis still hasn't been rescheduled, and you keep spreading the misinformation that it has.

You know it's generous to even call it pedantic. I don't know what it is.

But it's a sure thing that you want to keep you mad. I mean you're still on it what a month later? lol. Over, again pedantic is being too generous.

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