Keith Ellison becomes latest Democrat to attack Dr. Jill Stein and the Green Party

Socialist to politics – -62 points –

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True representation would be an electoral system without the spoiler effect.

Why are you fighting so hard to retain the spoiler effect?

I'm explicitly wanting to get rid of the spoiler effect.

No, see jill stein wants to get rid of first past the post. Democrats fight to keep competitors off the ballot because they benefit from first past the post. You are explicitly fighting to keep it.

No, see jill stein wants to get rid of first past the post.

And I want to be able to jump over entire buildings with a single bound, and shoot lasers out of my eyes.

Talk is cheap when you've lost every single presidential election you've entered, especially losing so bad as to never get any electoral college nominations.

You are explicitly fighting to keep it.

No, I vote in the primaries at every chance to get as left of a candidate nominated as possible. The way to move forward is to take over the DNC. That starts at the ground level.

Just going for the presidency is a failed strategy. So all we can do at this time is harm reduction at that level.

You vote exclusively for candidates that actively support and benefit from first past the post, and are fighting against a candidate that actively supports getting rid of it. You cant claim to want to get rid of it

You vote exclusively for candidates that actively support and benefit from first past the post

That isn't true, and I just told you. This sort of change happens at the local level, at the lower ranks of government.

The president is not the only elected position in government.

and are fighting against a candidate that actively supports getting rid of it.

Not really. Stein is probably barely even on the Harris campaign's radar. The actual, real fight is against Trump.

You cant claim to want to get rid of it

Sure I can, just watch me:

I want to get rid of the spoiler effect, and will help to do so by voting for candidates at the local level who support better voting methods, when such candidates are available.

Such candidates are available, youre arguing they shouldnt be allowed to run because theyll spoil the party that benefits tremendously from first past the post.

youre arguing they shouldnt be allowed to run because theyll spoil the party that benefits

No I'm not. I'm saying it is almost always a waste of a vote to give them your vote. And anybody running as a 3rd party candidate should do so strategically, in places where there is actually a chance to win without causing ideologically furthest opponents from winning.

Huge swaths of races in the U.S. go unopposed, largely at the local level. Third parties could easily and cheaply target those races, but they don't.

Sorry, im mixed up in several posts specifically about barring third parties from running. This one is just criticism.