You can't uninstall this software without being forced to participate in their survey to Mildly – 1268 points –

I initially only installed "Comodo Firewall" but for some reason they also installed a "Comodo Dragon Browser", which I did not consent to. I always choose the "advanced" installation to uncheck bloatware, but in this case there was none and when you try to uninstall the browser, they force you to participate in their survey otherwise you won't be able to uninstall the software..


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My response would be "This must be illegal under GDPR"

What makes you think this? There’s no “Right to uninstall software”.

You could fill the report with loads of sensitive personal information and then report them...

…for handling information that you volunteered?

Doesn't matter if you volunteered it, they still have to treat it responsibly.

Wait a minute, you're saying that in every web input field I develop, I have to create checks to make sure the entered value isn't personal data? Boy, that will add quite a bit of work.

If you hold any data about people in Europe then that falls under GDPR, regardless of what the data is. It does get more complex if they data is sensitive or confidential.

I'll defend everybody's right to run Arch or Manjaro then they are in full control of what software runs on their kernel.

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