‘Gaza Drives Political Choices’ – Stein Ahead in Three Critical States

Socialist Berserker@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – -42 points –
‘Gaza Drives Political Choices’ - Stein Ahead in Three Critical States

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Lol, there's no way in hell your decision on how to vote was ever going to be swayed by the civility of Lemmy comments

Lol, there’s no way in hell your decision on how to vote was ever going to be swayed by the civility of Lemmy comments

But that's what @Cephalotrocity@biglemmowski.win is implying: https://lemmy.world/comment/12396020

He said my "intentions are vengeance against Dems for perceived slights," then posted a link to my conversation with him where I said democrats should be nicer and not such jerks to people who don't agree with them. Then as a result of that comment, he revealed that as his big "gotcha!' and quoted it as saying he found the real me.

Are you saying he's wrong?!

Others have implied that I'm not even American, that I can't even vote, and that I am doing Russia's bidding. Are they wrong too?!

So is it actually possible that I am not voting for democrats because of my personal ideology after all?!


Knock it off with the straw mans. YOU obviously won't change your mind, but that doesn't mean you aren't trying to convince others... out of a desire for revenge.

YOU obviously won’t change your mind,

But wait, you made this big show and dance about how I MUST be doing this out of revenge, and you quoted our conversation? https://lemmy.world/comment/12396020

So I'm confused. What revenge are we talking about? Because maybe you know something I don't?