NH Libertarian Party shares post that suggests assassinating Harris would be heroic

HLMenckenFan@lemmy.worldmod to politics @lemmy.world – 455 points –
NH Libertarian Party shares post that suggests assassinating Harris would be heroic

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The world has been shaking its head at USA for ages... what a circus.!

This isn't an American problem, it's a conservative problem. I guarantee it's happening wherever you live as well. Hopefully not as loudly though

I understand why they'd want you to believe this, but honestly it is not normal in most of the world.

Yep, no racism and bigotry in China, India, Russia, Brazil, Pakistan, UK, etc etc. Doesn't exist.

It's also not "normal" in the US.

What a weird list. 5 regressive countries (including mine) and a western country which isn't anywhere near USA when it comes to political insanity.

I picked a handful of examples, which among other things, comprise most of the people in the world.

You're saying that they don't have significant racism, bigotry, and/or crazy right-wing or fascist movements?

Of course they do.

They also don't pride themselves as greatest country on earth.

And if they do, no one takes them seriously, what with their insignificant armies and small economies compared to the great USA.

Yes, yes, US bad.

You have to be pretty fucking stupid if that's what you got out of this conversation.

Uh huh.

You're bringing China, Brazil, Russia, India, and Pakistan in the discussion when discussing problems in USA.

If you can't why that's fucking dumb then 'uh huh' indeed.

Apparently when you say "most of the world" you also don't understand that involved more than just the US in the conversation? Sounds pretty dumb to me.

But fine, go on being a jackass to strangers on the Internet. Won't be me, I won't see whatever the next antisocial thing you reply with.

Apparently you don't understand when the original poster said 'the world', they obviously meant the western/developed world.

Learn to read between the lines.

A lot of elections have swung to the right/far right. Look at Italy and Germany. France had to unite the left to stop it.