Trump's 'body odor' leaves people 'gagging' as Republican says 'you need a mask' to politics – 912 points –
Trump's 'body odor' leaves people 'gagging' as Republican says 'you need a mask'

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You know there's words you can use besides "normal." A common one is neurotypical. Also, everything you said is generalizations with no basis in reality and incredibly ableist, so, again, you have proven me right.

You might think whatever you want, but you are using the word "prove" wrong.

And no, despite you saying various shit, nothing I said is ableist and all I said is true. That's because it was chosen to be as general as fucking possible. Exactly because of spectrums and continuums and such.

"Normal" here is used to insult NT people and not ND people, because of the former often being arrogant shits like the guy I was answering initially about disorders disqualifying people.

It's not ableist to disqualify someone from being President if they smell really, really bad because that means that they are unable to accomplish an action themselves or with the help of their advisors.

OK, that's fair. I just don't want to further imagine JD Vance helping Trump bathe.