Hannity Falsely Calls Trump’s Would-Be Assassins ‘Democrats’

Flying Squid@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 300 points –
Hannity Labels Trump’s Would-Be Assassins ‘Psychotic Democrats’

This will be their narrative now.


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Unless you’re willing to declare some objective standard for what everyone considers an ‘official Democrat’…

Registering as a Democrat makes someone an "official Democrat" since registering makes it official.

And what do you say when they wear a MAGA hat and loudly state they only registered Democrat to F with primaries?

That they are a traitor to the nation and should be ashamed, but they are officially a Democrat because of their registration. That is why they get to vote in the primary, because registering makes it official no matter what the reason is.

I am not registered for any party, and the fact that I end up always voting for candidates of one party does NOT make me an official member of that party.

God damn, three hours later and they're still insisting you're a Democrat if you aren't a registered Democrat and you aren't if you are one.

The mental gymnastics are just mind blowing with that crowd.

Nobody cares about whether the assassin was 'officially a democrat'. They want to know who he supports: the democrats, or the republicans. In NC independents can participate in primaries btw and he likely did so intending to f with them.

If someone accused you of being pro-Trump and you said "I'm registered independent" do you think they'd be like 'oh, nm carry on then'?

If someone accused you of being pro-Trump and you said “I’m registered independent” do you think they’d be like ‘oh, nm carry on then’?

If they asked I would say 'no' instead of trying to dodge the question.

You asked about something specific, whether someone was 'officially' something and I answered the question. You asked a question that is apparently different than the thing you want to argue about, which is who they (currently?) support.