Hannity Falsely Calls Trump’s Would-Be Assassins ‘Democrats’

Flying Squid@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 401 points –
Hannity Labels Trump’s Would-Be Assassins ‘Psychotic Democrats’

This will be their narrative now.


Don't be like Hannity. If you find yourself lying to support your view, change your view.

But then how will I support my view that I'm the world's greatest lover?

I would maybe have believe "in Japan" squid Man, don't be greedy.

Don't be like Hannity should be part of our education.

Sean Hannity is one of the worst propagandists out there and absolute going for the award for scum of the earth 2024. I fucking hate that guy with every fiber of my being.

Not a democrat, not really a republican either. Mostly just crazy.

  • Supports Trump 2016
  • Supports anyone but Trump 2020 - Briefly likes Bernie but then mainly has a parasocial relationship with Tulsi Gabbard (offers to write speeches, sends speeches to their email). Eventually gets on board with Biden Harris.
  • Somehow likes Kim Jong Un, has another parasocial relationship inviting to Hawaii and asking to be an ambassador.
  • Latches onto George Floyd protests supporting police reform.
  • Latches onto Hong Kong supporting independence. Again reaching out to be a kind of diplomat in a parasocial relationship with Carrie Lam and including his phone number and email. He does that a lot.
  • Latches onto supporting Ukraine. Has a parasocial relationship with Zelenskyy. Goes there and volunteers to help recruit eventually but people thought he was nuts over there. Kept offering to provide thousands of Afghan soldiers?
  • Asks Elon Musk about selling him a rocket to attack Putin...
  • Latches onto Taiwan supporting independence. Again offering thousands of Afghan soldiers.
  • Writes a book telling Iran they should assassinate Trump.
  • Believes China has a pneumonia bioweapon it's using to silence democracy
  • This election his dream ticket was Vivek Ramaswamy and Nikki Haley (and yet Ramaswamy is not pro Ukraine while Haley is so I'm not sure why he'd want Haley as the VP)

https://i.imgur.com/MU5PECk.png - here's a png of some of the tweets he made

Like, isn't he alive? Can't someone ask him what his motives were?

Do we even know he wanted to hurt Trump in the first place? He made no attempt at attacking him, he was just hiding with a weapon. Which might have been in order to protect Trump from assassins as far as we know. Did anyone ask?

Seems like we all went to our default internet sleuthing because the gunman is always dead. Maybe, like, someone could check in on him. I'm pretty sure it's legal and such. Might need like permission but the dude still has rights until his trails complete.

When you train your base to be militant whenever they don't get their way, you can be assured that you will always be on the chopping block. Look up the French revolution. Or even the fascist uprisings in Germany and Italy. I fighting will happen because you created an environment in which decent is punishable with death.

"descent"; being decent is luckily not punishable with death 😂

I mean, casual observation seems to show that to about 1/2 the electorate, being descent is, or at the very least should be punishable by death.

Looks like that that dumbass Hannity forgot his tie and acted like an idiot again.

What an idiotic dumbass!

idiotic dumbass

That's a funny way to spell "intentional liar."

The undecided voters this year have really been deciding with a vengeance

This latest guy having a ton of Ukraine posts is probably also part of them being like "he's a democrat"- there's even a picture of him with blue hair

These fucks are bitching about this while their candidates openly encourage domestic terrorism against Haitians.

Fuck 'em.

Why does everyone in that picture look like they’re standing in front of fun house mirrors?

(I know what the obvious answer is, it just caught me off guard.)

Isn't this new guy that was arrested a Democrat?

Records show Routh, 58, lived in North Carolina for most of his life before moving to Hawaii in 2018. In 2020, he made a social media post backing Trump’s reelection, but in more recent years his posts have expressed support for Biden and Harris.

The first one wasn't iirc so Hannity is full of it, but this attack has legs once they get the wording 'right'. Assholes (Hannity + Assassin).

Expressing support for Biden and Harris equals Democrat. You've heard it here first, folks!

Pictured- Democrat:

He donated money to the Democratic party 19x since 2019

Edit: citation

You in another comment:

Is he a Democrat or a registered independent? Make up your mind.

There is no 'make up your mind'. There is only a building of evidence. Unless you're willing to declare some objective standard for what everyone considers an 'official Democrat'...

In the meantime, many people register into a party falsely to do things like manipulate primary votes and such. A common attack vector for the first would-be assassin as I recall. To say "he is or isn't" is pretty much in the eye of the beholder and we're discussing points undecideds will consider relevant.

My mind is currently leaning to 'way too many people will think he is a Democrat for this to be good for Democrats'.

This you?

So, can you answer your question? Your question was not about what people will think. Your question was whether or not he was a Democrat.

Is he a Democrat?

I'm no longer as certain as I was, but 19 donations over 5 years is a strong argument making me think he is.

Yes, one of those registered independent Democrats you hear oh so much about.

You going to bat for Hannity's conspiracy bullshit is very telling.

You going to bat for Hannity’s conspiracy bullshit is very telling.

As is your seeming inability to understand basic reasoning.

I'm curious why you think he isn't being labelled as Independent right off the bat by news agencies if registering Independent solidifies you as such? What do you say about people that wear MAGA hats but registered Democratic to F with DNC nominations?

I'm not going to bat for Hannity. I'm saying we shouldn't be so smug as to assume he's wrong about this guy. More importantly, that undecideds will agree and not be turned off by an obvious bias towards a belief of Democratic purity. That is how you lose votes.

"Why aren't the media being fair?" Really?

I’m not going to bat for Hannity. I’m saying we shouldn’t be so smug as to assume he’s wrong about this guy.

i.e. going to bat for him. The assassin was not a registered Democrat. That is what makes you a Democrat. He is not one. You are wrong and Hannity is wrong.

What do you say about people that wear MAGA hats but registered Democratic to F with DNC nominations?

You forgot to answer this one.

Also, I "forgot" to answer that one, because you asked someone else.

What a bizarre thing to be dishonest about.

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If you're registered as a Democrat, you're a Democrat. That's literally what makes you a member of the Democratic Party. So they're Democrats that vote for Trump. They may not care for that and you may not care for that, but that's literally how it works.

Just like Dick Cheney is a Republican that is voting for Harris. Dick Cheney is not a Democrat even if you really, really want him to be... or is this just your failure of understanding basic U.S. civics?

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Unless you’re willing to declare some objective standard for what everyone considers an ‘official Democrat’…

Registering as a Democrat makes someone an "official Democrat" since registering makes it official.

And what do you say when they wear a MAGA hat and loudly state they only registered Democrat to F with primaries?

That they are a traitor to the nation and should be ashamed, but they are officially a Democrat because of their registration. That is why they get to vote in the primary, because registering makes it official no matter what the reason is.

I am not registered for any party, and the fact that I end up always voting for candidates of one party does NOT make me an official member of that party.

God damn, three hours later and they're still insisting you're a Democrat if you aren't a registered Democrat and you aren't if you are one.

The mental gymnastics are just mind blowing with that crowd.

Nobody cares about whether the assassin was 'officially a democrat'. They want to know who he supports: the democrats, or the republicans. In NC independents can participate in primaries btw and he likely did so intending to f with them.

If someone accused you of being pro-Trump and you said "I'm registered independent" do you think they'd be like 'oh, nm carry on then'?

If someone accused you of being pro-Trump and you said “I’m registered independent” do you think they’d be like ‘oh, nm carry on then’?

If they asked I would say 'no' instead of trying to dodge the question.

You asked about something specific, whether someone was 'officially' something and I answered the question. You asked a question that is apparently different than the thing you want to argue about, which is who they (currently?) support.

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If the world were black and white then he would be a democrat. In actuality tho the new guy is a deranged and delluded self glorifying wreck of a weirdo. Read his/the incidendts wikipedia article.

Okay, I see here he registered independent and expressed support for candidates of both parties this cycle. Still, his relevant support for Biden/Harris and that he recently donated money to the democratic party are what are going to give this accusation legs.

edit: recently

I see here he is independent and has supported both sides, meaning he is a Democrat

Flawless logic

He is registered Unaffiliated in NC but did vote in the Democratic primary in March but for all we know it was a protest vote against Biden.

We do know he was coo-coo bananas and should not have had access to firearms.

He voted for Trump. Not a ton of Democrats do that. Call me crazy but while I'd assume someone who ends up attempting assassination doesn't like the person they attempt assassinating, that doesn't mean they are automatically a member of the opposing political party. 1/3rd of Americans are independents.

It's okay, they are "no longer as certain" as they were that this Trump-voting registered independent is a Democrat like the always reliable Sean Hannity says he is.

He also loudly declared he regretted doing so. Both these looney tunes wanna-be assassins were all over the place with their political leanings. Blindly assuming he isn't a democrat when things like 19 donations to the Democratic party strongly suggest otherwise is myopic.

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