Hannity Falsely Calls Trump’s Would-Be Assassins ‘Democrats’

Flying Squid@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 473 points –
Hannity Labels Trump’s Would-Be Assassins ‘Psychotic Democrats’

This will be their narrative now.


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If you're registered as a Democrat, you're a Democrat. That's literally what makes you a member of the Democratic Party. So they're Democrats that vote for Trump. They may not care for that and you may not care for that, but that's literally how it works.

Just like Dick Cheney is a Republican that is voting for Harris. Dick Cheney is not a Democrat even if you really, really want him to be... or is this just your failure of understanding basic U.S. civics?

You understand that by registering Independent he is eligible to vote in both party primaries in NC right? Talk about not understanding basic US civics. The dude that disavowed Trump and wanted Haley to beat him, and supported Sanders, Gabbard, Biden, and now Harris, is clearly voting 3rd party.

If you’re registered as a Democrat, you’re a Democrat.

BEHOLD! What Squid thinks is a Democrat!

Please explain how the parties count their membership numbers.

Nope. You're back to childish name-calling so I'm out.

"Please explain how the parties count their membership numbers" is not namecalling.

Namecalling is against the rules here. If I was, indeed, namecalling, please flag the comment.

But I wasn't so I'm not concerned that you're using this silly excuse to get out of such a simple way of showing why your support for Hannity is nonsense.