Fond memories to – 356 points –

Still have this device somewhere

and 2 HTC Diamonds ( Windows CE ) - lol


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I loved my Samsung Galaxy Q. But now that I'm used to gesture typing, I wouldn't go back. It's much faster than hitting keys individually with my thumbs.

One thing I do miss though is how quick it was to select/copy/paste.

Gesture typing is definitely faster, but I find it much less accurate and requires vision. My old sliding phone I could write whole essays in my hoodie pocket while walking home with few to no typos, which was a niche use-case for sure but an existing one. I work outside a fair amount and would love having that back for notetaking in the field

I'm guessing you've already tried, but just in case: would dictation work for you?

It works great for notes, it's not great for recording data because if it mishears me/I mumble once an entire set of 500+ observations can be frame shifted away from their identifiers and I have to redo it