GOP senator tells Arab American witness at hate crimes hearing to 'hide your head in a bag'

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GOP senator tells Arab American witness at hate crimes hearing to 'hide your head in a bag'

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I'm in Nola and I don't vote for this cunt. Be mad at the real enemy

So you choose to live in a place prone to disaster and which is a state largely run by those you wouldn't elect. Genius!

Or, hear me out, they were born in a place without their consent, raised in that place as a minor without their consent, and now are not financially or physically capable of leaving that place on their own.

They are right, I moved here and I have means to leave so it is a fair criticism. I fled Texas and my ex wife to be by family. First time I have been close to them in 15 years. But I agree. I don't want to be in the south. I hate the heat and the politics and the fact that Poseidon keeps trying to reclaim the city. But my sister won't leave, so for now I am helping her out.

Now all my low income brothers and sisters here? They have no fucking choice.

Why you gotta bring logic and reasoning into this? Sheesh.

You’re raging against random people for the crime of being from somewhere. That's pretty messed up.