What are your favorite leftist news sources?

return2ozma@lemmy.world to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 53 points –

Looking to compile a list of good leftist news sites and sources. Thank you.


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Left, not liberal.

These are the same things unless you’re talking about economic liberalism. That’s like saying “right, not conservative”.

Liberalism is the ideology of Capitalism, ergo it is right wing. Conervative liberals and progressive liberals are both right wing to different degrees.

Well, since the world is nearly all capitalist, the system is currently treated as an assumption of the center; this makes progressivism to the left of the average, just like how the center has moved to the right in the US.

Anyways, rest assured, I'm still reading the book you recommended.

That's the Overton Window, which is only useful for analyzing medians, not for actual political discourse.

Well, there's a relatives to relativity. Overton is quite relative while the spectrum is only a bit relative. Per the sources . It's no use restricting the left against anyone who advocate maintaining capitalism, as there won't be enough political entities left... in the "left", thus "right" constitutes nearly no meaning save commonality.

That's certainly a liberal perspective, but leftists disagree. The left isn't that small either, the most populous state in the world is Socialist.

Whoops, there's to my implicit bias despite being from said state in question. But among the deeply capitalist countries, where most of us reside, it's usually true.

<small>(And now, for a small bit of pedantry, India is unfortunately the world's most populous state as of 2023.)</small>

Ah, was referring to the PRC, was unaware of the population demographic shifts, my apologies.

It's okay, I assumed the PRC was what you meant. (As a tangent, what do you think of using CPC vs CCP to refer to their party?)

I use CPC, because that's the format that is more consistent among international Communist Parties.