Do you consider the term "rice" or "ricer" to be racist? to – 33 points –

The Wikipedia definition seems to indicate it has origins as a racist term and I've never understood why unix users have adopted this terms instead of something benign like "themes" or "theming" which I remember being in use long before I ever heard "rice". So what gives? Why use "rice" instead of "theme"?


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I'm surprised to see it suddenly in wide use here, honestly. I've been 'in the linux community' for 25 years or so and only started seeing people use it in this context in the last month. Jarring isn't the right word but it seems sudden to me knowing the connotations from the mid-to-late 90s car culture.

It's from 4chan /g/, it's been in use for at least a decade there, probably longer

That is the absolute least-surprising explanation.