Project 2025's unpopularity continues to grow: New poll shows 57% with unfavorable views of it compared to only 4% favorable to politics – 659 points –
Project 2025's unpopularity continues to grow: New poll

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You averaged a post every eighteen minutes and thirteen seconds twenty four hours a day seven days a week, but that might have changed a bit today.

I don’t think I’ve ever referred to you as a team.

Maybe you have me confused for someone else?

I don’t think I’ve ever referred to you as a team.

You referred to me as "you guys." So you don't think I'm a team, just more than one guy then? And what did you mean by using the term "local currency"? Where do you think I am located?

Why didn't you just say "dollars." Now I am starting to wonder where you are located that you aren't using the same currency as I am. Hmmmmm

Inside us all is two wolves.

I like to acknowledge both of them but I definitely didn't call you a team.

You should try being more accurate with your accusations.

So you don't think I'm a team of people then?

Are you asking if you're a team of people or if you're the only one running this account?


It's kind of odd that you're asking me this question because you're the one who should know.

Well you sure seem to know.

I'm actually a little concerned that you don't know.