Israeli strikes on Lebanon causing ‘carnage’ - health minister to World – 187 points –
Israeli strikes on Lebanon causing ‘carnage’ - health minister

Lebanon’s health minister has said what is happening in his country is “carnage”, as hospitals struggle to cope with the number of casualties from two days of widespread Israeli air strikes targeting the armed group Hezbollah.

Dr Firass Abiad told the BBC it was “clear” that many of the 550 people killed in Monday’s attacks were civilians, including children and women.


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Oh just fuck all the way off with this bullshit, you absolute fucking child.

Are you angry because they are right? Neither Kamala nor Trump plan to stop the weapon shipments and support for Israel.

No, try again.

Then why are you angry?

Because I'm tired of reading shit takes by people who are either getting paid to post their nonsense or are so fucking stupid that they're doing it for free.

Would you rather I stop posting here and vote for Trump instead?

Is genocide OK because Biden and then kamala Harris will be letting it happen?

How is what they said nonsense? The facts stand - Kamala won't stop arms shipment to Israel, and the support for Israeli government. Democrats endorse her and what currently is happening. Palestinian speakers are turned away at the democratic convention.

Going "but Trumpf!" is whataboutism and nothing more. Kamala deserves all the shit she gets for policies that directly lead to more death and more war.

Going “but Trumpf!” is whataboutism and nothing more.

That's where we disagree. Others have explained this already, if you don't get it that's on you.

Explained what exactly? That Kamala gets a genocide pass?

You don't like being reminded that you are going to vote for genocide enablers?

Who's the child???

How does it feel to be a tool? A useful idiot for people who want to destroy your way of life?

Look how angry you are at a stranger on the internet! 😂

So angry that I had to go back to the parent comment to even see what the fuck you were talking about 🙄