Israeli strikes on Lebanon causing ‘carnage’ - health minister to World – 187 points –
Israeli strikes on Lebanon causing ‘carnage’ - health minister

Lebanon’s health minister has said what is happening in his country is “carnage”, as hospitals struggle to cope with the number of casualties from two days of widespread Israeli air strikes targeting the armed group Hezbollah.

Dr Firass Abiad told the BBC it was “clear” that many of the 550 people killed in Monday’s attacks were civilians, including children and women.


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I dont. But you should partake in your government. I'm not answering all your points. Go ahead and dont vote. But dont go around convincing people that the only way to win is not to play. Thats exactly how you surrender in this sort of system. You can propose shit and get it ratified as well, but abstaining from voting in elections outside of party primaries as a protest means nothing when most of the country doesnt do it anyway.

Actually, voting for the "lesser evil" is how we got into those mess and how it will continue

We need serious and deep election reforms in our country. These parties are trash. "Less evil" is still evil. You'll look the other way for the next four years while Gazans continue to die from American bullets

Don't vote! It feels great!

Wild assumptions honestly. Enjoy other people controlling live your life I guess.

It's absolutely disgusting how you keep using dead Palestinian children as political pawns for your shitty argument.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

Ah yes, I should be ashamed. Certainly not the people in power who stand by and let American guns kill children on Gaza. Certainly not people like you who have decided that you're fine with it