'Schoolhouse Rock' Video On Project 2025 Is Funny And Scary

leadore@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 205 points –
'Schoolhouse Rock' Video On Project 2025 Is Funny And Scary

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"Project 2025" seems like any Republican party platform from the last 20 years 🤷🏻

No. Maybe for a handful of them, but never on this scale, never this openly, and never this close to actually happening.

Openly? Party platforms are about as public as it gets!

Have you actually read Project 2025? There may be a handful of things on there that've been on the GOP's platform, but most of it goes far beyond anything the Republicans have ever stated publicly as policy goals.

Do you have specifics?

Literally read the document? It's there, nobody is stopping you. I'm not going to do everything for you.

If you can't support your claim that it goes far beyond a typical GOP platform, don't make that claim.

I pulled up the 2012 GOP party platform and it hits all the notes brought up in the OP's 2025 cartoon, from taking away women's choice to ignoring climate change.