Home Depot

Track_Shovel@slrpnk.net to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 871 points –

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I keep looking at it wondering ... Why? The others are common. The truck, however took a little special reasoning.

Underestimating the bed rail loading. I'd love to make a Ford joke, but let's be real, all truck beds would crumple like that.

Because it’s photoshopped. Look at the strap going into the wheel well. Ignoring that it appears to stop before the edge, where is that going? Why is the car behind the wood stretched and blurred into it? Why is the side of the wood facing the camera in complete shadow unlike anything else in frame?

It’s reall just a very crunchy image. See elsewhere in thread for the better image of the truck

The truck one is one of the only ones that I know is real cause I have seen that photo before.

Don't know what level of compression they went through to make the photo look like that but it didn't always.