Opinion: Harris’s agenda mirrors the Democratic Socialists of America

Socialist Mormon Satanist@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – -50 points –

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So, I point out that people have actually died because of Trump, but your feelings are more important.

And people have actually died because of Biden/Harris admin.

I'm voting third party. Thanks!

That, in every sense of the word, is your privilege.

And you make way more money that me. Seems like you have plenty of privilege. In fact, you have more privilege than me. Are you ashamed of it?

And you make way more money that me

Who do you imagine I am?

I imagine you're someone making more than minimum wage. Am I wrong?

lol! You're making minimum wage thanks to a guy named FDR, who was a Dem.

If it weren't for him, you'd be making far less.

I'm a socialist. I know the benefits and lack of benefits we have. I'm still not going to vote Harris. Do you understand? I. Am. NOT. Voting. Democrat.

But thank you!

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Muslim groups have endorsed Harris over Trump.

Because of actually looking at the issues and not voting their feelings.

Ok, and some Muslims are voting for Stein. Cool!

I'm voting for who I want to as is my right. Thank you!

I’m voting for who I want to as is my right. Thank you!

That's the mentality that's kept you at minimum wage all your life.

Hmmm, so that sounds like you are poverty shaming. I hear someone's privilege talking.

And actually, friend, even tho I am under no obligation to explain it to you (but I have said it before in other posts), I'm a teaching assistant in an underprivileged and underfunded public school. And my role is badly needed, and no one else will do it for this pay. So keep letting your privilege talking and trying to mock people. I'll happily keep doing what I'm doing. Thank you!

I'm not 'poverty shaming. I'm shaming you.

You could have gone out and gotten a better job and paid for five or six teaching assistants if you really wanted to change the world.

Even if your story is true, it shows that you haven't got much good sense.


BTW, teaching assistants in Mississippi make S10.45/hour. Minimum wage is still $7.25

I don't know what you're teaching those kids, I just hope it's not math

I’m shaming you.

And it is having no effect whatsoever because I'm not changing my mind on voting for a third party. But if it makes you feel good about yourself to shame someone because of their income, have at it. People with privilege always seem to think that way. Hmmm...

Even if your story is true,

So because you don't agree with me, everything I say is untrue, right?! Well if we use that logic, then everything you say may be untrue because I don't agree with you. See how that works?

BTW, teaching assistants in Mississippi make S10.45/hour. Minimum wage is still $7.25

What makes you think I am in Mississippi? I've never mentioned that. I haven't told anyone which state and city I live in. And if you saw the DM's I get from stalkers here, you'd know why.

And I'm feeling just fine about my teaching role. Thank you!

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I honestly doubt you're old enough to vote.

Friend, I have been voting for longer than you have been alive. I voted in the 1988 election. Just because you don't agree with me, doesn't mean I am in high school. Thank you!

My friend, if you're that age and still making minimum wage you've said all that needs to be said.

But I'll add this because it's funny to me.

Muslims have decided that Trump is the greater threat and endorsed Harris.


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