Do you donate money? How, why, why not? to Ask – 77 points –

I was thinking about it. I donate to quite a few charities, but they specifically mean something to me. Others I don't really think about, though they're good. I guess we all have a threshold or we'd be broke and for many that could be no donations at all or just a fiver the the street guy.


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I don't usually donate to charities because the vast majority of the donation never actually goes to the cause it was donated for in the first place. However, I try to give cash to the homeless as often as Ican. On my drive home I frequently see homeless people and I try to give money and also bottled water that I usually have in my car. I don't know what they'll use it for, but it's something I can do right there and then for them and I know they at least have the opportunity to buy some food / necessities, and I know they have water.

I thought the same until last year. Give a look, they rank charities by efficiency and provide lots of insight.

Do they rank them by whether or not they'll spam you with physical mail and sell your email? I need an efficient charity that I can give to anonymously.

I send money to their funds directly, they distribute it according to their ranking. I got 2 reminder mails (last year and this year) and 1 mail with the donation receipt earlier this year.