Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah killed after Beirut airstrikes

vga@sopuli.xyz to World News@lemmy.world – 95 points –
Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah killed after Beirut airstrikes, Israeli army says

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Canada has a longstanding border dispute too, with the US.

Imagine if Canada launched rockets at the US, because of the border dispute and also because Canada believed US arms shipments to Israel violated international law. It would not end well for Canada.

In this scenario, who is America ethnically cleansing?

I've been told Biden is guilty of genocide, is that no longer true?

Yes, the US is currently aiding and abetting Israel's genocide. In violation of International humanitarian law and domestic US Law.

::: spoiler Amnesty

In a new research briefing submitted to the U.S. government today as part of the National Security Memorandum on Safeguards and Accountability with Respect to Transferred Defense Articles and Defense Services (NSM-20) process, Amnesty International USA details civilian deaths and injuries with U.S.-made weapons, as well as other cases that highlight an overall pattern of unlawful attacks by Israeli forces. The briefing also details practices by Israeli forces inconsistent with best practices for mitigating civilian harm and provides clear examples of the misuse of defense articles, the commission of torture, and the use of unlawful lethal force. Lastly, the briefing also details the denial of humanitarian assistance to the civilian population of Gaza.

“It’s shocking that the Biden administration continues to hold that the government of Israel is not violating international humanitarian law with U.S.-provided weapons when our research shows otherwise and international law experts disagree,” said Amanda Klasing, National Director for Government Relations with Amnesty International USA. “The International Court of Justice found the risk of genocide in Gaza is plausible and ordered provisional measures. President Biden must end U.S. complicity with the government of Israel’s grave violations of international law and immediately suspend the transfer of weapons to the government of Israel.”

“The evidence is clear and overwhelming: the government of Israel is using U.S.-made weapons in violation of international humanitarian and human rights law, and in a manner that is inconsistent with U.S. law and policy, said Klasing. “In order to follow U.S. laws and policies, the United States must immediately suspend any transfer of arms to the government of Israel.”


And if Canada agreed with you and started launching rockets at the US on that basis, it would suffer the consequences. Much like Hezbollah.

If the US historically colonized Vancouver in the past, until an Armed Canadian Resistance forced the US to withdrawal, and the US continued to occupy and ethnicity cleanse let's say Alaska (if Alaska was not a part of the US in this scenario), and that armed group would continue to resist as long as the US occupied indigenous people, then yes. The genocidal US regime would extend it's aggression to Canada once again

Let's try an actual historical example.

Russia historically colonized Lithuania in the past, until the dissolution of the Soviet Union forced Russians to withdraw, but Russia continued to occupy and ethnically cleanse Kaliningrad (formerly the German city of Konigsberg).

What do you suppose would happen to Lithuania if it started launching rockets at Russia in an effort to decolonize Kaliningrad? Same as Hezbollah: FAFO