Its a lot easier looking at a beautiful person these days and not feeling a bit of jealousy knowing there is a decent chance they would vote for fascism. to – -78 points –

Beep boop. I am robot.. beep boop I have no emotion.

ITT: the 30 some odd people who that have transcended human desire.

I really can't tell. Did I flush the trump supporters out with this post? Are people so offended that a beautiful person could be a NAZI? Or am I just too blunt and to admit I don't go around imagining everyone is morally upright really makes people uncomfortable. Aka I'm an ass. Let me know cause I've said some dumb shit but this one hit a nerve.

Interesting article


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No. I dont give a shit. Just like I dont care about starving kids in Africa. Its both unnecessary and pointless. Most women aren't fascists and most dudes are fat and lazy. I'm not competing with any of them.

I'd say you might need some help.

Nice try champ.

You're so tuff, did you know that?


You're the one out here throwing put downs. Child.


How mature of you

Bruh, pull your dick out of the couch.

Bruh, I own this couch.

Edit: it's funny though. Like why are you so offended it's been 30 mins a fucking hour, move on.

Edit2: I see an immediate down vote. Can't wait. Let's hear it. No?

I only checked my comment history, and found your weird comment chain.

You can let it go ya know. I don't even give a shit.

Edit: Downvote 2 (I wasn't the first to downvote)