Thousands of images on Docker Hub leak auth secrets, private keys to – 215 points –

The result of the study can be found at


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This isn't really surprising and isn't actually a real security issue with Docker itself or any of the popular public images. Docker Hub is a public registry so people inexperienced with Docker accidentally include secrets in their images and upload it to Docker Hub, this is actually pretty well known and the Docker docs specifically warn people about this.

How can you be sure it doesn't affect popular images? The probability may be lower, but I don't think you can rule it out.

The most popular images on Docker Hub are official / library images, they are curated and monitored by Docker for best practices and security vulnerabilities. I'm not saying that means you should trust them completely, it's always best practice to read the source of an image before you use it.

This doesn’t mean that YOUR secrets are exposed by using the image, btw - this means that whomever built that image would be accidentally exposing their secrets.

Unless you built the image and added your secrets to it and then uploaded it to a public Docker registry. But again, that’s not a flaw in Docker.

Sane way you cant be sure your soap isnt poision, sure the manufacturing line could have messed up but like.. the shady burger joint down the street is a lot more likely to have slipped up. The probability of anything is not zero, but we ignore a hell of a lot of possibilities

There is a nonzero probability of getting hit by a meteor at any time. A woman in Alabama was hit by one while she was inside her home, you're not even safe indoors!

You all might think I'm a fool for wearing a helmet every time I leave my definitely meteor-proof house, but I'm not taking any chances.

You are a fool because no helmet can protect you from a projectile that crossed space, survived entrance in the atmosphere. All that just to hit you

Wait so who is the atmosphere and who are the solar winds in this metaphor? I’m having trouble seeing the point through all the pedantry over allegorical choice