If you value privacy, ditch Chrome and switch to Firefox now

Frost Wolf@lemmy.world to Technology@lemmy.world – 3178 points –

With the number of people concerned about privacy, it is a wonder why chrome is even popular.


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There's no reason you should be using Chrome. Using Chrome:

  • Means you consent to spyware (along with everyone else you interact with)
  • Allows Google to continue dictating web standards
  • Is a resource hog

If you haven't already, I highly recommend reading this comic about the dangers of Chrome: https://contrachrome.com/

If you need to absolutely use a Chromium-based browser, at least use Brave (just for that site).

Not-so-fun fact from the comic Contra Chrome: Google Chrome's URL bar is called the "omnibox." The name is derived from the Latin word "omnis," meaning "everything."

When you type into the omnibox, it's sent to Google's servers and added to your profile forever.

Even if you deleted it or didn't hit enter.

Brave is also spyware, I probably would chose edge over brave lol. But a real alternative is ungoogled chromium.

First and foremost I abandoned Chrome for the 3rd reason and haven't looked back. One of the largest corporations in the world can't make a web browser that doesn't use an obscene amount of ram to open 3 tabs at once :0

Saw this tweet recently:

"Google is pointing out issues with my site performance. It's forcing me to inspect what I can improve. I finally removed google analytics and mobile performance jumped from 70 to 96."

I think that should tell you everything you need to know about how bloated Google is.

Oh no not the Latin word for everything!

That's why I'm vegan, those damn omnivores just sound so villainous.

Some websites just don't work in Firefox, though. This is more of a fault of the devs, they've made websites that were only tested in and only work in Chromium, but it's the nature of things occassionally.

Lot of those sites work just fine if I change the useragent to chrome for some reason

True Firefox has weaknesses. It still impresses me what a crowdfunded option can achieve compared to billion dollar projects.

Or use Chromium. It's an open source version of chrome. Chromium does not include user tracking and you avoid all the google telemetry bullshit

Outta the box, I'm taking Brave over Chromium. Brave is lighter, has content blockers, and has other privacy features enabled by default.