Who still has a rift in their family due to differing opinions over Covid?

Lazylazycat@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 272 points –

My parents have always been left-wing hippies and entertained the odd conspiracy theory, but during the pandemic they got lost down YouTube rabbit holes and bought into Q-Anon and anti-vax ideas. They still don't believe Covid is real (even though they blatantly had it...).

We've just kind of agreed not to talk about it anymore, but they've steadily become more and more batshit and I think they believe I have been brainwashed.

Anyone else's familial relationships changed forever?


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My mom too. She won't stop sending me videos about the end of days and how we won't have any food soon. She turned an entire room in her house into a stock room. I asked her, if she is so excited for the end of days which allows her to go to heaven, then why is she spending all her disposable income on survival supplies.

To be fair, one of the interpretations of the apocalypse is called "Post-Tribulation Rapture", in which the faithful must first suffer the years of torment of the rest of the world, or at least 144 thousand of them, before Jesus returns and kills so many humans that the blood fills up the Armageddon up to the shoulder of a warhorse. She might be prepping for the tribulation.

Having 90 days of hoarded brownie mix and frozen blueberries ain't doing shit to help her survive. It's just so sad to watch.