How do you choose an instance and does that have a significant effect on your Lemmy experience? to No Stupid – 212 points –

I originally chose to make my account on since all the content seemed to come from there. But I've since learned that I can fill my feed with stuff from any instance so it feels like it doesn't actually matter if I'm on or not. At the same time, seems to be frequently under attack so I'm wondering if I should change instance but have no idea what I should even be looking for when choosing.


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I do feel like looking for a small instance is better from what I've read so far, but this is the first time I've heard control over my feed being different by instance, outside of instances defederating.

I chose but since then I’ve realized that it would be better to support instances that are local to me so I think I’ll move to an Australian instance. Supporting local instances might help with regional growth

its more that with more existing users its more likely any particular community will have already been pulled into that instance by someone else already.

I run my own instance so there's nothing on my all feed outside of communities I already sub to because there are no others on my instance.

As a reminder, instances only get content from a community when someone on that instance is subscribed to it ( so to get it in in the first place they'd search !community@instance then subscribe to it).

Control is maybe the wrong term.

If you choose an instance that vaguely aligns with your interests then your local feed will be more interesting.