Roblox employees criticise lack of diversity in workforce to – 26 points –
Roblox employees criticise lack of diversity in workforce

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I remain dumbfounded as to how Roblox got so big and is now publicly traded.

Really? It runs everywhere (browser, mobile), it targets young children (a huge and passionate group), it is absolutely full of content (made for free/cheap by other children).

It is the most obviously successful formula I could imagine.

Don't forget all the predatory money incentives to trick kids into doing more free labor for them

Nowadays I don't think the games are made by fellow children as much. There's whole teams of adults making money off of Roblox games

There’s whole teams of adults making money scraping peanuts off of Roblox games


Unless you meant the gray/black markets, those give off more real money than Roblox does to its content creators

Good points. I guess I was thinking about it from the stereotypical "adult gamer with disposable income" perspective. Not those gamer's kids.

It's essentially Unreal Engine for kids, Roblox and Minecraft were both huge in how much freedom they provided the player.