The government does not rule

Unmarketable to – 158 points –

Image transcription: The caption reads "The government after making trans people pay hundreds of dollars to change two lines on a piece of paper:" This caption is followed by a gif of a guy struggling to hold large stacks of cash against his head. End transcription.


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Why, because I question people's reasoning on why they want the government to do this for free when I, as a tax payer do not want to fund things that only effect you as an individual?

Your generic 'fun at parties' does not apply to this scenario at all..

Ah yes, the old "I don't wanna pay taxes for things I don't use" argument, I guess we should just stop funding medicare/medicade because not everyone uses it, right? While we're at it we should also get rid of all government assistance programs, since only a small portion of the population uses them, that sounds like a great idea. /s

There is a difference between essential healthcare, and essentially funding a marriage license to be processed.... One has importance to stay alive, the other is something you feel like you should do.

I'm all for public funding, when it makes sense. This does not make sense. I'm all for people being who they want, just not on tax payer money. That money is much better off being spent elsewhere and you know it. If you want to make changes to your government documents, then pay for it or find like minded that want to help you fund it, not taxes

In the case of legal documents it is for safety, go look up what happens to trans women if they're arrested and thrown in with the men, which happens a lot. But it's not just what the other prisoners do that's horrific, the cops themselves preform heinous acts towards trans women. Also you'll respond to me but not the other person who already pointed out it's for safety?

Don't commit crimes if you don't want to be around criminals. Gender don't matter.

God you're fuckin' dense. TRANS PEOPLE ARE TREATED LIKE SHIT BY POLICE AND PRISONERS ALIKE BECAUSE THEY'RE TRANS, not because they committed a crime. Also saying not to commit crimes ignores what the conversation was originally about and it's the safety of a marginalized group of people, not just in the case of being arrested.

I guess we should take away healthcare, since that only affects individuals. Sick people should pull themselves up by their own bootstraps!

Damn right get off my taxes and pay for it yourself

Breaking news, dipshit. Everyone deserves access to government services. That's what the fucking government is there for.

Everyone has access to it. You gotta pay the refiling fee like everyone else.

No one is being denied access...are they? They just have to pay to change letters. It's stupid yes, but still not being denied.

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