Eating meat creates four times more greenhouse gases than being vegan, landmark study finds to World – 681 points –
Eating meat creates four times more greenhouse gases than being vegan, study finds

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There sure is a lot of effort being made to obscure the fact that most greenhouse gasses come from industrial sources.

Like factory slaughterhouses.

Just wrote a comment with bad math.

Almond milk and cow milk are effectively the same in terms of cal/pollution rate.

Cow milk produces 4x as much pollution, but also produces 4x as many calories.

Which doesn't really matter because people don't put milk in their coffee to add x amounts of calories. So in almost all cases, they will use the same amount in volume/weight.

And a lot of other plant based milk alternatives have an even lower environmental impact, the difference between your average milk and milk alternative will be even bigger.

Its also bad science.

A gallon of Almond milk is 580 calories.

A gallon of cow milk is 2,400 calories.

Meaning in terms of actual nutrition vs pollution, cow milk is over twice as effective.

Calculation= cal in alm milk/cal in alm milk : cal in cow milk / 2 × cal in alm milk. (2 in this equation stands for the rate of pollution multiplicity sourced from the title of this post, twice as much gasses).

You wind up with 1 : 2.07

Why count calories? Are we calorie-starved? Last time I checked the problem in most of the developed world was the opposite, excess calories.