HELP NEEDED! Let's put this small Fediverse logo on r/place. to – 45 points –

EDIT: We’re going to attempt to organize a larger logo and spread the word further around various Fediverse services. I get that a lot of y’all are opposed to visiting over there. I'm pissed too, which is why I spent a lot of my day helping write “Fuck Spez.” I don’t think we’re going to contribute to Reddit’s revenue much, and I think at the very least sending a VERY public message that the Fediverse is here is a good thing.


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How about not promoting reddit traffic

Came to say the same. Why are you driving users to their platform at all?

I guess Reddit knew people wouldn’t be able to resist, doing nothing seems like the obvious move.

It's not about the money. It's about sending a message.

But this doesn't. It's not like people can google a pixelated logo that small and find their way here.

I agree, the logo on its own needs to either be larger, or needs to have some sort of additional context included. But all of that takes a lot of coordination to do.