People who haven't gotten into habit of googling stuff in the last 20 years might not get into it at all anymore because of how search engines are gamed with SEO spam tactics nowadays to – 835 points –

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It's pretty amazing to search for something and actually see things you searched for.

Does this work any better than DuckDuckGo? People praise DDG, but imo it's results are pretty shit and I could never end to sticking with it. It can't even get basic quoted text syntax correct.

Damn, I've gotten so many good alternatives lately. Thanks for posting that.

Oh fuck man, that's a great find! Thank you for sharing that. It's actually providing really substantiative results which I haven't seen from Google for at least 5 years.

I have definitely bookmarked that website, even though I use duck duck go I will probably use that as an alternate now.

Another good search engine that's less useful for searches but for providing information is of course Wolfram alpha