Game Introduces Easy Mode Called “I’m 35 and Have One Hour to Play This” to – 873 points –
Game Introduces Easy Mode Called “I’m 35 and Have One Hour to Play This”

Aging gamers were reportedly delighted to see that a new video game called Eldric Quest has accessibility features catered specifically to people their age who do not have enough time to actually play a video game.

“I came back from the office at around 7 p.m. and was so happy to see this mode implemented because holy shit am I tired,”


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Main reason games like Deathloop, Outer Wilds, Gunfire Reborn, Slay the Spire, Vampire Survivors, etc. got their hooks in me so deep - something I can sit down, fire up to play solo (it's tough as hell to get friends together to squad in games when all your friends are also 35 and busy), knock out a 30min - 2hr play session, and put down without feeling like I'm in the middle of something.

Love how many games there are these days who play like this. Seems like rogue-lites do it best, but it's nice to see other genres making it work, too.

To be fair, that's also a list of very high quality games.

I know Death loop got a lot of shit for its AI, but it's honestly a criminally underrated game.

I've been meaning to try it out, it's on GamePass, but I worry that it's the kind of game that takes a lot of brainpower to "solve" while also requiring a lot of skill. I can do one or the other but both at once stresses me out! lol

Deathloop is great, I got it right around release and played through it over the course of a few weeks.

It doesn't take brainpower to solve. There's a whole time loop puzzle but the most disappointing aspect of the game was that it's a solved solution. The game spells out exactly what objectives to complete at which places and at what times. While you play through the game the first time you're uncovering twists and clues as to how to solve the puzzle but instead of letting you deduce a solution the games builds out a step by step list of markers for you to follow.

It's essentially the complete opposite of how The Outer Wilds, which has a similar time loop aspect with a puzzle to solve, handles it.

That being said, give Deathloop a shot because it's still a fun shooter with neat mechanics that lean very close to immersive sim levels of freedom.

Sounds good, I'll check it out when I get bored of Remnant 2. :-D

I enjoyed death loop but for me the main disappointment was that I thought I was getting a roguelite and the game wasn't really a roguelite.

If you like Outer Wilds check out The Forgotten City. It's somewhat similar in terms of the gameplay loop and is also good for short or long sessions.