Game Introduces Easy Mode Called “I’m 35 and Have One Hour to Play This” to – 873 points –
Game Introduces Easy Mode Called “I’m 35 and Have One Hour to Play This”

Aging gamers were reportedly delighted to see that a new video game called Eldric Quest has accessibility features catered specifically to people their age who do not have enough time to actually play a video game.

“I came back from the office at around 7 p.m. and was so happy to see this mode implemented because holy shit am I tired,”


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41 yo here. Definitely feeling the same. What pve games do you play? I'm on xbox, just checking Deep Rock Galactic.

City builder simulators like Foundation or Cities: Skylines. Anything with a Pause button.

"Anything with a pause button."

Someone make this into a shirt with a cool gamer logo. I've found my gamer crew.

The consoles suspend button they all added last gen is a godsend for me. No cocking about with loading, finding a save point, etc. Just, on and off.

Rock and Stone! Deep Rock is a fun game. Especially if you have a friend or two to play it with.

Yeah just started it solo, guess it's more fun with friends. However I don't have friends who play online in my timezone. I'll try on the Discord channel.

I enjoy it solo too. Just depends on my mood.

Just completed my first solo mission. Took me 38 mins on easiest, and not completed secondary objectives, but got out there alive! Think it can be a lot of fun in groups, and read many good things about how friendly everyone is.

Oh, I meant pve within Destiny 2 but I get what you mean. Outside it all I always go back to Minecraft.

I played Destiny 2 but found it quite stressful and too hard for me.